Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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Monogram Phantom Huey UH-1B Chopper Motorized with Sound, 1/24, PA226

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


SALE!! Rare. First issue dated 1969. Large and completely transparent with a 20 inch long fuselage and nearly 2 foot rotor diameter. Well detailed with 184 parts and structural members and full internal detail. Features complete cockpit, pilot and co-pilot figures, full cabin, opening cabin door, inner fuselage framing, detailed engine and more. In the display base with the batteries is an electric motor which turns the main and tail rotors while the sound unit makes "chop-chop" sound that varies correctly with main rotor speed. To minimize painting, the kit is molded in clear, zinc chromate green, black, chrome plate, gray, olive drab and flexible black/gray ammo belts. The clear fuselage halves have no breaks or cracks, they are mint. The kit has never been started. Inside, the original red cardboard presentation material is complete and in 'excellent+' condition. All parts have been inventoried 100% complete including motor, hardware, wire, decals and instructions. Please NOTE that the decals have bug damage to the backing paper and some transfers have damage also; I have included two sets of excellent reproduction decals with complete instructions: one on clear decal paper and the other on white decal paper. The Phantom Huey box tops are thin, fragile and easily damaged. This one is no exception- it is 99+% complete, but I have correctly repaired two split corners and two closed tears (on the short sides) from the inside, using cardstock and book binding glue. The box bottom has three closed split corners. NOTE: this kit must be shipped insured.

Special Hobby Phonix D-I KUK Kriegsmarine- (D.I), 1/48, SH48059

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Hard-to-find and a very neatly molded and nicely detailed model of this aircraft in Austrian Navy Service. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Special Hobby Phonix D-I KUK Kriegsmarine- (D.I), 1/48, SH48059

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Hard-to-find and a very neatly molded and nicely detailed model of this aircraft in Austrian Navy Service. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Miniature Masterpieces Wells Fargo Stage Coach - with Driver / Messenger and Four Horses, 1/48, K501-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Rare early 1950s original issue that is molded in dark wood brown. Like all Miniature Masterpieces kits, this one is very finely engraved and molded with excellent detail. The model includes detailed instructions (rare for the early 1950s) and a wonderful history of this Stage Coach. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. 'Miniature Masterpieces' was formed through an alliance of Lew Glaser (Revell) and Steve Adams (Adams Action Models) in 1953. Although having the appearance of an independent company, the firm was run by Revell down to the prototypes being made at the Revell plant. However, there was no evidence of the parent company on the surface. The State Coach of England was the first kit, issued in 1953. More kits of excellent quality followed. Revell completely took over the line in 1954, making the one-year original issues very rare.

Monogram Attack Weasel M29C Amphibious Transport, 1/35, 6303

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc++


Still factory sealed. 1982 reissue of the popular 'Four Star' kit of the early 1960s. This model features hinged windshield, flexible tracks, driver and four crew.

Skywave DDG-2 USS Charles F. Adams Guided Missile Destroyer / John King / Lawrence / Claude V. Ricketts / Barney / Henry B Wilson / Lynde McCormick / Towers or HMAS D38 Perth Royal Australian Navy, 1/700, M-7

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


Very nicely detailed and molded kit includes decals (ships numbers and name) for any of the US Navy ships listed and also the HMAS Perth. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Academy Consolidated-Vultee PB4Y-1 (Navy B-24) Liberator - 'Lady Luck' - (PB4Y1), 1/72, 2114

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


From 1993. Includes decals for a great nose-art aircraft 'Lady Luck.' Beautiful and highly detailed model of the Navy Liberator. Molded with all fine recessed panel lines. Features excellent cockpit and interior detail, rotating turrets and props, bomb bay detail and full bomb load and optional position doors. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram F-106 Delta Dart, 1/48, 5809

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


1983 issue. Well detailed and molded for that time. Large-scale with full cockpit, wheel wells and opened or closed missile bay with Falcon missiles. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram F-51D Mustang Action Model - Four Star Issue - (P-51D), 1/32, PA77-198

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Dated 1962 and the first issue of this classic 'Action Model' with great detail and mold quality. Features opening canopy to show the highly detailed cockpit, tiny levers under the wings drop 2 bombs, a small knob on the bottom rotates and extends and retracts the main gear and tail wheel; all gear doors including tail wheel open and close automatically with the gear. Not only do these features sound great, but they work. My built kit is over 50 years old and functions like new! Molded in silver, black and clear. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. The decals and instructions are both in 'excellent++' condition. Please NOTE that the box is only graded 'good'; it has wear as shown and bug damage mainly on the corners and edges. This kit has an interesting history. In 1961, Monogram introduced the 1/32 scale Phantom Mustang. This was a very ambitious project. The kit was transparent, highly detailed and included two electric motors. One motor raised and lowered the main gear and tail wheel while the other spun the prop. Two small levers on the base dropped bombs from the wings. It was molded in clear, silver, black, red and zinc chromate green. Although successful, the kit was expensive to produce and Monogram charged a hefty retail price of $4.98. As a way to create more revenue from the molds, Monogram cleverly created this kit - using some of the same molds as the Phantom Mustang. The silver parts tree was completely re-cut and does not match the Phantom version. The red stand, gears and motorizing features were simply left out and the model molded in solid colors. The gear retraction/extension features was retained, but not motorized. On the new silver parts tree they added a small knob (placed on the bottom of the wing) and the same for the bomb dropping mechanism. This lowered the price to $1.98 and this additional revenue hopefully helped pay down the original mold costs.

Monogram Bell UH-1B Iroquois Huey Helicopter - Rambo Combat Chopper, 1/24, 6038

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair++


1985 issue as a tie-in with the famous movie. Very large 1/24 scale kit is over 19 inches long when built. Actually, this model is made from the same molds as the Phantom Huey kit from the late 1960s, except it is molded in color and excludes the non-relevant parts. The results is a wonderfully detailed kit with full interior, two pilots, full instrument panel and radios, detailed engine and transmission, opening cabin doors, and rotating main and tail rotors. Includes XM-16 armament subsystem with quad 7.62 mm machine guns with ammunition belts and two LAU 32A/A (Aero 60) rocket pods. Molded in olive drab, silver, flexible black and clear. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. NOTE: decals are intact but have a dark stain covering 1/3 of the sheet.

Fujimi Westland Wasp A.S.Mk-1, 1/48, 5A18-400

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Large scale (1/48) kit of the 1958 Royal Navy helicopter. Features very good interior, detailed engine, moving rotors, torpedo load and four-wheel landing gear configuration. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix Douglas C-47 Gunship, 1/72, 04016-7

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Good+


Still factory sealed and from 1975. The seal has splits on the bottom of the box. Features movable control surfaces, rotating props and wheels, optional position cargo doors, and machine gun/miniguns.

Hobby Craft DHC Otter - Wheels Or Floats - US Army Or Royal Canadian Air Force, 1/48, HC1657

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc+


Still factory sealed. Hard-to-find large 1/48 scale Otter. Features decals for both aircraft, paint guide, fine recessed panel lines, interior detail, optional parts so it can be built with either landing gear or floats and more.

Revell USS Long Beach CG(N)-9 - Nuclear Powered Cruiser - Commander Series, 1/508, H424-170

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


1964 hardbox issue. This model is a reissue of the classic 1959 "S" kit. Well detailed and features Regulus II Cruise Missile with hanger and launcher, nuclear reactor assembly with removable cover, helicopter, Terrier and Talos missiles and launchers, radar and tracking antennas, decals and more. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. CGN-9 U.S.S. LONG BEACH was the world's first nuclear-powered warship. She was launched in July of 1959 as the lead ship of the first new cruiser class since WWII. Originally designed as an all-missile cruiser, she was later fitted with two 5"/36 caliber guns amidships. After serving more than 33 years, she was decommissioned on 1 May 1995.

Renwal Walker Bulldog Light Tank - With Combat Crew, 1/32, M554-198

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


Classic action model from the 1950s. Highly detailed and features working suspension, flexible treads, elevating gun & rotating turret, 5 crew members and soldiers, opening crew hatches, rotating and elevating machine gun, opening engine hatches that show the detailed engine and more. Never started. The metal parts and the parts that were factory sealed are still in the factory sealed bags. The parts that were never sealed have been inventoried complete and includes decals and instructions.

Aurora British Churchill Tank, 1/48, 315-129

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Hardbox 'long' issue dated 1966. At that early date in modeling history, reviewers wrote that Aurora made the best tank kits - this one is no exception. Features all moving bogies and drive wheels, flexible black treads, elevating main gun, rotating turret, one tankman, three soldiers and decals. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram Speedee-Bilt Boeing PT-13 Kaydet Trainer, G5-100

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


Rare kit from 1957. This is a highly prefabricated, rubber-powered, wooden scale flying model kit. It features beautiful, completely finished Monofoil upper and lower wings, die-cut fuselage sides and formers that are factory painted yellow, precarved wooden parts, fully finished wheels, die-cut clear windscreens, prop and pilot bust, fully formed wire landing gear, rubber motor, sandpaper, tissue, decals and excellent instructions. The kit has never been started. The small parts are still factory sealed in the wax bag. The parts that ever never sealed have all been inventoried complete. Includes decals and instructions. Before there were plastic models, there were wooden aircraft kits. These usually came in two types - solid and stick and tissue. The solid models were static and usually contained a few blocks of balsa and sometimes a detail part or two. These "Make Wood Look Like Plane" models required a very high level of skill in carving and finishing. The stick and tissue variety were slightly easier to build and provided the ultimate thrill - they could fly when complete with rubber power (and later with free-flight gas and eventually RC). They still required a great deal of skill, so manufacturers sought ways to make model building more accessible to everyone. One idea was pre-carving and/or prefabrication. This raised prices, naturally. Many manufacturers launched lines of 'easy' to build flying models but only Monogram succeeded in making an entire line at an affordable price that would actual fly. The original "Speedee-Bilt" kits were in one-piece two-color boxes. In the early 1950s, shortly before plastic kits were available, Monogram changed to the 'hardbox' with a lithographic slick glued to the top as this kit. Speedee-Bilt kits contained die cut and pre painted wooden parts, completely formed airfoil wings, carved wheels and numerous plastic details like engine cowl, pilot, missiles, prop and more. Assembly was by detailed full size plans.

Monogram Speedee-Bilt Grumman F6F Hellcat - Flying Scale Model, G12-100

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


Scale flying wooden rubber powered model from the early 1950s. Before there were plastic models, there were wooden aircraft kits. These usually came in two types - solid and stick and tissue. The solid models were static and usually contained a few blocks of balsa and sometimes a detail part or two. These "Make Wood Look Like Plane" models required a very high level of skill in carving and finishing. The stick and tissue variety were slightly easier to build and provided the ultimate thrill - they could fly when complete with rubber power (and later with free-flight gas and eventually RC). They still required a great deal of skill, so manufacturers sought ways to make model building more accessible to everyone. One idea was pre-carving and/or prefabrication. This raised prices, naturally. Many manufacturers launched lines of 'easy' to build flying models but only Monogram succeeded in making an entire line at an affordable price that would actual fly. The original "Speedee-Bilt" kits were in one-piece two-color boxes. In the early 1950s, shortly before plastic kits were available, Monogram changed to the 'hardbox' with a lithographic slick glued to the top, as this F6F kit. Speedee-Bilt kits contained die cut, factory painted wooden parts, completely formed airfoil wings (the famous and beautiful 'Monofoil'), carved wheels and numerous plastic details like the cowling, pilot, missiles, prop and more, depending on the kit. Assembly was by detailed, illustrated plans. The F6F features die-cut blue painted balsa parts, a perfect Monofoil wing, carved fuselage block, stringers and dowels as required, completely finished wheels and metal hardware, plastic cowling/engine face, plastic propeller and pilot bust, clear vacuform canopy (still in mint condition, clear and not yellowed), rubber motor, sandpaper, full color decals, covering material and full instructions. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts and paperwork present.

Revell USS North Carolina BB-55, 1/570, 85-5102

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


2009 issue. Very well molded and detailed; measures over 15 inches long when assembled. Features finely engraved deck and hull detail, rotating main turrets, elevating guns, swiveling cranes and catapults, two scout planes, detailed superstructure and display stand. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Italeri Lockheed AC-130H Spectre - Hercules Gunship - With Decals For 3 USA Versions, 1/72, 1310

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


Very highly detailed model features over 180 pieces, all recessed surface detail, complete cockpit & cargo bay, working cargo ramps, detailed gear wells, all guns, ECM pods, "H" updates and more. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.