Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Good-
late 1960s Lodela issue of this rare Neptune variant. This is the classic 'S' kit with ski landing gear and decals for Arctic service. Molded in dark navy blue and clear plastic. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc
Rare and the only 1/72 scale injection-molded kit ever made of this Soviet airborne radar/early warning aircraft. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. The Tupolev TU-126 Moss (NATO Designation) was based on the obsolete Aeroflot TU-114 Airliner, itself developed from the TU-95 (TU-20) Bear turboprop bomber first flown in the 1950s. The Tupolev Bear and derivatives have the distinction of being the fastest propeller driven aircraft in the world. First identified in 1968, the Moss is believed to have entered service in 1971, the exact number used by Soviet Forces being unknown. The TU-126 has been assessed by Western sources as being of only limited capability, being unable to detect cruise missiles or small aircraft at low level. Commencing in the early 1980s the Beriev A-50 Mainstay began development to replace the TU-126 in service. With greater capability than the Moss, operational examples began being fielded in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc
Rare and the only 1/72 scale injection-molded kit ever made of this giant Russian Supersonic Bomber. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. From the website comes this descriptions: OKB Myasishchyev began working on the supersonic intercontinental bomber M-50 in 1956. The aircraft was intended to be equipped with and the supersonic long-range M-61 cruise missile, also developed by OKB Myasishchyev. The bomber had a strategic strike capability due to its range of 10,000 km plus the 1000 km range of the missile. The M-50 had forward trailing triangular wings, a wing span of 35.1 meters and a length of 57.5 meters. Powered by four "16-17" engines developed by P.F. Zubets, two engine pods were mounted outboard on the wings and two less powerful engines at the tip of the wings. The prototype was constructed in 1959 and made the first flight on 27 October 1959. As engines the which were supposed to equip the airplane were at that time not yet available, on the prototype version two VD-7 engines and two VD-7g were used. In this configuration the demonstrated a speed of Mach 0.99. The second M-50, designated the M-52, carried the Zubets engines around which the aircraft had been designed. The engine installation was modified, and a second tailplane was added to the top of the fin. In December 1960, N. S. Khruschev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) made a speech at the Supreme Soviet session in which he proclaimed the inexpedience of the further development of military aircraft. The Soviet leader, fascinated by the triumph of Russian space technology and exploration, directed that all the tasks formerly executed by the combat aircraft be performed by guided missiles of various types. The Council of Ministers and the CPSU Central Committee issued a joint decree terminating work on new aircraft. The first victims of the decree were the Lavochkin and Myasischev aircraft design bureaus. They had to fully reorganize their work. V. Myasischev was appointed director of TsAGI. He was very disappointed at the fact that only a few of his M-50 and M-52 long-range supersonic bombers were produced. In 1960 development of the M-50 bomber was halted when OKB Myasishchyev was dis-established. Surprisingly little is known about the Bounder. One writer commented that it was "an outstanding failure which revealed an embarrassing lack of understanding of the problems of high-speed flight."
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Good++
Rare and the only 1/72 scale injection-molded kit ever made of this large aircraft. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: VG
Limited run injection molded kit that features fine recessed panel lines, 'good' cockpit detail, injection molded clear canopy (not vacuform), printed instrument panel and paint guide with an extensive decal sheet two different aircraft. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag including decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc
Very nicely detailed and molded, probably from Frog molds. Includes many photoetched parts, film instruments and decals for the two aircraft listed. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Good-
Original issue from the early 1970s with the finest mold quality; not a modern reproduction. Well molded kit of the world-famous aircraft includes an extensive and colorful decal sheet. Never started. The parts are either still factory sealed or have been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. In 1933, Wiley Post made solo flight around the world in the Lockheed Vega 'Winnie Mae'. Not only was it the first solo flight around the world, but it broke the previous record set by Post and his Navigator Harold Gatty. Vegas did see military service, with a few operated by the RAAF, Spanish Republic Air Force, and USAAC. (This kit does not include military decals.)
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc
Detailed model from all new molds that features 158 pieces, all fine recessed panel lines, detailed cockpit and much more. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: VG to Exc
SALE!! Includes two models in the original boxes. Ideal builder kits, please read carefully for the condition. NOTE: these models have 'professional' quality subassembly as follows: Kit #1: wing halves; cockpit tub. There is no other assembly. Inventoried complete with all parts, decals and instructions present. Kit #2: wing halves; bulkhead, seat and instrument panel to floor; engine to firewall. There is no other assembly. Inventoried complete and includes decals and instructions. Both are well molded kit with very good detail. Includes parts for -3 and -5 versions, good cockpit, drop tank and decals for multiple aircraft.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Good
Very large scale (1/16) and highly detailed model from ex-Bandai molds. It features a full rolling chassis build-up just like the real truck, detailed engine, full suspension, complete interior, correctly opening hood, opening doors, optional bed cover, and flexible tarp material that can be displayed down or rolled up (as on the box art). Molded in olive, black, gray, clear, chrome plate, real rubber tires and metal axles. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Sealed VG++
Still factory sealed. Nicely detailed kit with full frame assembly with separately molded driveline and suspension, detailed interior, optional position tail gates and more.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Sealed VG+
Still factory sealed and the seal has many splits. This is an early issue from the 1970s and not a recent reissue. The two highly detailed vans feature over 230 parts, vinyl air hose tubing, parts so you can attach the vans to any 1/25 scale semi truck, sliding loading doors, hollow rubber tires, CF decals and more.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Good
2017 reissue from the original molds Super detailed truck with over 300 parts and many in chrome. Features full rolling chassis build up just like the real truck, complete interior cab and sleeper cab detail, one-piece tilting hood, vinyl air/hydraulic hoses, dual exhaust, fifth wheel assembly, hollow vinyl truck tires, straight or curved exhaust stacks, stock or custom rear wheel hubs, "Spicer" main 5 Speed and Auxiliary 4 Speed Transmissions, Air Ride Driver's Seat and 855 CID Turbo Charged Cummings Diesel Engine. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.
Wood Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc
Stick and tissue flier featuring high quality, laser-cut balsa printwood, factory-cut stripwood and spars, plastic propeller, thrust bearing, metal motor shaft/rubber hook, brass thrust bearing washers and aluminum tube, rubber motor, metal stock as required, clear canopy and window material, red and clear covering tissue, excellent full size plans and instructions. Never started. The small parts are still sealed in the factory bag; all other parts have been inventoried complete and includes all paperwork.
Wood Model Kit, Box Condition: Good-
Rare. This is the 1942 Deluxe 'large box' issue of this incredibly well detailed flying model. Cleveland 'SF' or 'Scale Flying' modeles in museum scale of 1/16 were very complete and this one is no exception. Features very high quality balsa printwood, factory cut stringers and spars, other wood stock as required, fully formed main and tail wheels & thrust button, balsa blocks and sheeting wood, metal stock, covering material and superb CD plans with instructions. The kit has never been started. Inventoried complete with all parts and paperwork present. This is a wartime issue and so as usual there are no fluids (glue or dope). Cleveland Model and Supply Company played a pivotal role in the development of true scale models. In 1909 Bleriot's English Channel flight caused a surge in aviation and model aircraft around the globe. Several companies were ideally positioned to take advantage of the aviation craze. In the USA, Wading River Manufacturing Co. (1909), White Aeroplane (1911), Ideal Model Aeroplane (1911), Broadfield Model Aeroplanes (1919) were among these pioneers, offering everything from plans and parts to complete kits and ARF models. Lindbergh's 1927 crossing of the Atlantic Ocean caused an even bigger world-wide phenomenon called "The Aviation Craze" that extended up to the start of World War II. Many companies such as Megow, Guillow's and others started right around the time of Lindbergh's flight. Some of these models flew and flew well, but they all had one thing in common - were generally not accurate scale representations. In 1929, a youngster named Ed Packard had a very advanced dream- to produce incredibly accurate, true scale models that flew perfectly. This radical idea established the world's longest running single-owner (77 years) model airplane supply business - Cleveland Model and Supply Company. To this day, Cleveland models are treasured as the most accurate flying scale models produced. The fact that Mr. Packard started and successfully grew this business during The Great Depression is a testament to his ideals and business skill. I highly suggest the excellent book called 'Aviation's great Recruiter - Cleveland's Ed Packard' by H.L. (Herm) Schreiner. It is an excellent history of the man, his company and the times of the Golden Age of Model Aviation.
Wood Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc
Very rare 1930s issue that is even rarer in amazing 'excellent' condition box and 'tissue sealed' inside. This is a Cleveland 'D' or dwarf kit. The term 'Dwarf' is just a bit deceptive, as it is Cleveland's designation for 1/24 scale. Most Cleveland kits were designated 'SF' or Scale Flying - 1/16 scale. The Dwarf kits were needed to fill a market demand for smaller flying models. All Cleveland kits were exceptionally complete and Dwarfs were no exception, containing very high quality balsa printwood, stringers & spars, fully formed wheels, covering tissue, a wood propeller that is about 90% carved and just needs final sanding, gray rigging thread (if required), metal and balsa stock as required and more. With Cleveland's famous high-quality plans. Amazingly, this kit is still 'factory tissue sealed' inside. When the Cleveland workers packed each kit, they wrapped them in tissue that effectively made a seal which has not been disturbed. Whoever buys it will be the first one to see the contents since it was packed in the factory over 90 years ago. Cleveland Model and Supply Company played a pivotal role in the development of true scale models. In 1909 Bleriot's English Channel flight caused a surge in aviation and model aircraft around the globe. Several companies were ideally positioned to take advantage of the aviation craze. In the USA, Wading River Manufacturing Co. (1909), White Aeroplane (1911), Ideal Model Aeroplane (1911), Broadfield Model Aeroplanes (1919) were among these pioneers, offering everything from plans and parts to complete kits and ARF models. Lindbergh's 1927 crossing of the Atlantic Ocean caused an even bigger world-wide phenomenon called "The Aviation Craze" that extended up to the start of World War II. Many companies such as Megow, Guillow's and others started right around the time of Lindbergh's flight. Some of these models flew and flew well, but they all had one thing in common - were generally not accurate scale representations. In 1929, a youngster named Ed Packard had a very advanced dream- to produce incredibly accurate, true scale models that flew perfectly. This radical idea established the world's longest running single-owner (77 years) model airplane supply business - Cleveland Model and Supply Company. To this day, Cleveland models are treasured as the most accurate flying scale models produced. The fact that Mr. Packard started and successfully grew this business during The Great Depression is a testament to his ideals and business skill. I highly suggest the excellent book called 'Aviation's great Recruiter - Cleveland's Ed Packard' by H.L. (Herm) Schreiner. It is an excellent history of the man, his company and the times of the Golden Age of Model Aviation.
Wood Model Kit, Box Condition: VG
Very rare and from the mid 1930s to the early 1940s. This is a Cleveland 'D' or dwarf kit. The term 'Dwarf' is just a bit deceptive, as it is Cleveland's designation for 1/24 scale. Most Cleveland kits were designated 'SF' or Scale Flying - 1/16 scale. The Dwarf kits were needed to fill a market demand for smaller flying models. All Cleveland kits were exceptionally complete and Dwarfs were no exception, containing very high quality balsa printwood, stringers & spars, fully formed wheels, covering tissue, a wood propeller that is about 90% carved and just needs final sanding, gray rigging thread (if required), metal and balsa stock as required and more. With Cleveland's famous high-quality plans. Amazingly, this kit is still 'factory tissue sealed' inside. When the Cleveland workers packed each kit, they wrapped them in tissue that effectively made a seal which has not been disturbed. Whoever buys it will be the first one to see the contents since it was packed in the factory over 90 years ago. Cleveland Model and Supply Company played a pivotal role in the development of true scale models. In 1909 Bleriot's English Channel flight caused a surge in aviation and model aircraft around the globe. Several companies were ideally positioned to take advantage of the aviation craze. In the USA, Wading River Manufacturing Co. (1909), White Aeroplane (1911), Ideal Model Aeroplane (1911), Broadfield Model Aeroplanes (1919) were among these pioneers, offering everything from plans and parts to complete kits and ARF models. Lindbergh's 1927 crossing of the Atlantic Ocean caused an even bigger world-wide phenomenon called "The Aviation Craze" that extended up to the start of World War II. Many companies such as Megow, Guillow's and others started right around the time of Lindbergh's flight. Some of these models flew and flew well, but they all had one thing in common - were generally not accurate scale representations. In 1929, a youngster named Ed Packard had a very advanced dream- to produce incredibly accurate, true scale models that flew perfectly. This radical idea established the world's longest running single-owner (77 years) model airplane supply business - Cleveland Model and Supply Company. To this day, Cleveland models are treasured as the most accurate flying scale models produced. The fact that Mr. Packard started and successfully grew this business during The Great Depression is a testament to his ideals and business skill. I highly suggest the excellent book called 'Aviation's great Recruiter - Cleveland's Ed Packard' by H.L. (Herm) Schreiner. It is an excellent history of the man, his company and the times of the Golden Age of Model Aviation.
Other Materials, Box Condition: Sealed
Rare decals includes markings for the aircraft shown. Fresh from climate controlled storage and in excellent condition. Never cut, used and complete.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc
A fine kit from former Airfix molds. The Ursus factory airbrushed the wings and fuselage silver; this paint is in 'near mint+' condition. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions present.
Other Materials, Box Condition: Sealed
Still factory sealed. Rare decals includes markings for the aircraft shown. Fresh from climate controlled storage and in excellent condition.
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