Old Plastic Model Kits

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Fujimi Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien Tony, 1/72, FC-6-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+++


Nice kit from older molds. Features raised detail with recessed control surface outlines, moving ailerons, prop and wheels and retractable landing gear. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Fujimi Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat - (F6F5), 1/72, FC12-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


Older Fujimi/AHM Japan for the United States with very collectible box artwork. Likely from the late 1960s/early 1970s. Features rotating prop and wheels, drop tank, rocket and bombs and pilot figure. The model as never been started. The parts are either still in the factory sealed bag or have been inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Fujimi FC-9-50 F4U-4 Corsair / FC-10-50 P-47D Thunderbolt / FC-12-50 Grumman F6F Hellcat, 1/72

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Includes all three factory sealed kit with Mokei / AHM logos and very collectible artwork. These are earlier issue from about the mid 1960s and the kits have many action features.

Fujimi 0703-70 Zero-Sen Model 54 / 0702-70 Zero-Sen Model 32 / 0701-70 Zero-Sen Model 21, 1/72

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good to Sealed Mint


Includes all three kits. The Model 32 and 21 are still factory sealed. The Model 54 is open. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Revell 3 Famous Fighters of WWI / Sopwith Camel / Turkish Fokker E-III / Morane Saulnier N, 1/72, H676-130

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still in the factory seal, but there is a short section of seal missing at the upper right as shown. 1967 issue includes all three aircraft. Includes unusual 'German in Turkish service' (large black squares) national insignia for the E-1.

Testors Kaman H-43B Huskie, 1/32, 206

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. Testors reissue of the Hawk 1967 issue. Includes decals for USAF version shown on the box photo and a very colorful civil firefighter. Very nicely detailed large scale (1/32) kit. Features full interior, working rear clamshell doors and side entry doors, rotating-phased-intermeshing rotor blades and more.

Miniature Masterpieces Roman Racing Chariot, 1/48, K504-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


This kit was found in the stock room of a long-closed hobby shop and is in factory-new condition. Rare early 1950s original issue. Molded in white. Like all Miniature Masterpieces kits, this one is very finely engraved and molded with excellent detail. In addition to the chariot, it includes a driver, Gladiator, four horses, a display stand and decals. The model includes detailed instructions (rare for the early 1950s) and a wonderful (and long) history of this particular chariot. Never started. The parts are still factory sealed in the original 'krinkle' bag and includes decals and mint instructions. 'Miniature Masterpieces' was formed through an alliance of Lew Glaser (Revell) and Steve Adams (Adams Action Models) in 1953. Although having the appearance of an independent company, the firm was run by Revell down to the prototypes being made at the Revell plant. However, there was no evidence of the parent company on the surface. The State Coach of England was the first kit, issued in 1953. More kits of excellent quality followed. Revell completely took over the line in 1954, making the one-year original issues very rare.

Pit Road MH-53E (US Navy Sea Dragon or CH-53E Super Stallion or JMSDF) (2)/ MCH-101 (JMSDF) (2) / SH-60K (JMSDF) (6), 1/700, S30

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


Includes all helicopters in the quantity shown. Amazingly molded and detailed for this scale. Features optional extended or folded rotors, separately molded tail rotors, landing gear, drop tanks and more. Includes an extensive decal sheet accurate down to individual helicopter numbers, with optional decals for US Navy or JMSDF as described in the kit title. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix P-47D Thunderbolt - Craftmaster, 1/72, 1210-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+++


Exceptional Craftmaster artwork issue. Features decals for 62nd Sq, 56th Fighter Group (boxart) or 86th Fighter Sq 'Comanches' and painting guide. Never started. Factory bag sealed or inventoried and 100% complete with all parts/decals and instructions.

Revell Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II, 1/48, 4516

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still factory sealed. 1982 issue. Features detailed cockpit, optional position landing gear and full underwing stores including 6 Maverick missiles, 6 Rockeye bombs, 2 ECM pods and more.

Pyro 1915 Model T Ford Coupelet Vintage Brass Car, 1/32, C451-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


1967 Pyro hardbox issue from original molds. In the early to mid 1960s the Pyro company chose many of the kit subjects based more on historical significance than popularity. Luckily for us, Pyro not only made these kits but did an excellent job for the time. The Pyro car models are based on the actual cars that Pyro engineers and designers had access to. In some cases, the specific car and owner is on the box. The model includes rubber tires, brass plated parts, colored injection molded parts and clear parts. Features detailed chassis, complete motor and interior and a removable hood or 'bonnet'. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions.

Aurora HMS King George V British Battleship, 1/600, 712-149

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Second box art issue of this Aurora kit which dates from 1962. Please note that the oval logo says 'Famous Fighters' in the border. Full hull model that was quite nice for that time. It features props and rudder detail, very nice superstructure, separately molded main, secondary and 20mm AA guns, raised 'wood' decking and separate details as small as searchlights, display stands and nameplate. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. Even the factory tissue paper is present.

Aurora British Centurion Tank, 1/48, 300-130

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Still factory sealed and in investment-grade condition. Hard-to-find 1/48 scale armor kit with John Steel box art dated 1963.

Comet 1950s Balsa Wood Glider - 11.5 Inch Wingspan - Bagged

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed


Still factory sealed. From the 1950s. This very attractive flying model has a fuselage and vertical stabilizer with blue designs and a wing and horizontal stab with red designs. It is from the famous Chicago based manufacture, Comet. Comet was a famous manufacturer of stick and tissue flying, gas, gliders and static models. In the 1930s Great Depression, they lead the low-priced kit revolution with the "Dime Scale" kits and famous advertisements in Model Airplane News magazine and others. Comet reached the peak in the 1930s when they acquired the services of Carl Goldberg. Goldberg was a highly accomplished modeler with articles in Model Airplane News and famous designs that won him several National level competitions in the 1930s and beyond. (Carl Goldberg went on to found his own company and produced well designed and popular free-flight and RC aircraft). Comet survived the post World War economic slump and continued kit production until they were bought out by long-time competitor Guillow's in 1998.

North Pacific Sleek Streek Rubber Band Powered Flying Aircraft - Bagged, 250

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed


Rare. Still factory sealed. The renown Sleek Streek was North Pacific's best rubber band balsa flyer, and arguably the best flyer of any of the readily available aircraft by Guillow's or other makes. The main reason was that Sleek Streak was not only well designed, but light. The Guillow's competition was simply too heavy, and the North Pacific Star Flyer (a bigger model) was a bit heavy also (for the power). The performance was so legendary for this category that Sleek Streeks were modified and regularly recorded flights of over one minute and much more. There is even a famous article about how to modify this aircraft for that performance! When I was growing up I didn't have the article (or even the skill if I did), so I would remove the landing gear and shave off a little here and there - even this provided flights that were memorable to this day.

Guillows SE-5 Scout - 18 inch Wingspan Rubber Powered Balsa Wood Kit, WW-5

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


From 1965. This is one of a very popular line of World War 1 flying aircraft "stick and tissue" kits with 18 inch wingspans. Features scale plastic wheels, plastic propeller, light vacuform nose cowl, die cut balsa parts, covering tissue, rubber motor and full decals. Includes full size, detailed plans. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. Guillow's founder, Paul K. Guillow, was a WWI naval aviator. In 1926 he began producing wooden model airplane kits. His 'Shelf Models' were some of the earlier non-flying models in production. Guillow's grew during the model boom of the 1930s, and when the Depression hit the hardest, Guillow's responded with lower prices and became one of the low price leaders, frequently advertising in Model Airplane News and other leading publications. During the war, like most manufacturers, Guillow's was forced to alternative materials such as cardboard and pine. Guillow's survived the post WWII slump by creating many inexpensive profile flying rubber powered aircraft and gliders in the 1950s (along with North Pacific) which became famous - some are still available today. The stick and tissue lines have been updated with laser cut parts and are still in production as of 2009.

Airfix A.W. Seahawk FGA 6 - Bagged, 1/72

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


Not in factory bag. Inventoried 100% complete and unstarted. Instructions and decals (Luftwaffe Marine) are intact also.

Comet Ercoupe - 15 Inch Wingspan Flying Balsa Airplane - Coke Bottle Issue, R8-59

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


1950s issue flying model with the box art showing a Coke next to the young builders snack plate and finished product. Kit features traditional wood/tissue construction with high quality printwood, stripwood, wooden stock as required, fully formed wheels, covering tissue, prop and detailed full size plans/building instructions. The model has not been started. Inventoried complete. Comet was a famous manufacturer of stick and tissue flying and static models. In the 1930s Great Depression, they lead the low-priced kit revolution with the "Dime Scale" kits and famous advertisements in Model Airplane News magazine and others. Comet reached it's peak in the 1930s when they acquired the services of Carl Goldberg. Goldberg was a highly accomplished modeler with articles in Model Airplane News and famous designs that won him several National level competitions in the 1930s and beyond. (Carl Goldberg went on to found his own company and produced well designed and popular free-flight and RC aircraft). Comet survived the post World War economic slump and continued kit production until they were bought out by long-time competitor Guillow's in 1998.

Comet F-86D Sabre Jet - 13.25 Inch Wingspan Flying Wooden Sabre Dog - Coke Bottle Box Issue, R5-59

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


Rare; dated 1952. Features vacuform clear canopy, high quality printwood sheets, stripwood and spars as required, nose block, completely formed wooden wheels, covering tissue, insignia (on the plans), full size plans with detailed instructions and flying instructions also. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes instructions.

Monogram Boeing B-29 Superfortress - with Atomic Bombs, 1/48, 5706

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc++


Still factory sealed. Dated 1991. Very large and highly detailed kit in 1/48. Features extensive interior detailing, optional position bomb bays, bomb load, detailed wheel wheels and more. Comes with decals for 'Lucky 'Leven.' This kit does include the bomb cart, 1000 lb bombs, conversion parts to make the kit one of the two atomic bombers and the atomic bombs 'Fat Man' and 'Little Boy' which were deleted from later issues.