Old Plastic Model Kits

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Hasegawa IJN Destroyers Yugumo Fubuki And Akizuki, 1/700, B-7-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


SALE!! Includes all three kits in the original boxes. All three are still factory sealed.

Airfix Junkers Ju-87B Stuka - Luftwaffe 1940 - Blister Pack, 1/72, 01011-3

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed VG+


Still factory sealed. Type Four logo issue is dated 1973 and includes decals for the artwork aircraft and on the back is a full color, 3 view painting guide.

UPC Phantom II F-4 - McDonnell F4H-1 (F-4C) - VF-102 USS Enterprise / US Air Force, 1/50, 5090-298

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


This kit represents somewhat of a mystery. We know that UPC did not make any of their own tooling, but the mold origin of this kit are unknown. The box re-uses the same Scott Edison box art from the smaller-scale UPC (ex-Hasegawa) F-4. The dramatic box art claims this is a F-4C; however, the instructions state that it is an F-4H-1 or F-4B. Since they are a copy of the original manufacturers instructions, I believe the instructions. The kit is interesting for it's level of detail and features the fuselage internal fuel tanks, two detailed jet engines, cockpit includes ejection seats, two pilots, side instrument panels, control stick & main panels and opening front and rear canopies. Rudders, ailerons, split trailing edge flaps and elevators all move and the wings fold as well. There are internal wing fuel tanks; the landing gear retracts and all gear doors close also. The nose can be removed to display a detailed radar package. A wide choice of wing and fuselage loadouts is provided, with numerous AIM-7 Sparrow missiles (body mounted and on wing pylons), iron bombs and a centerline drop tank. This is the issue includes a decal sheet with markings from one USAF aircraft and VF-102 USS Enterprise. NOTE: this kit has very neat and minor sub-assembly as follows: internal fuel tank halves (2 pieces), engine halves (4 pieces) and ejection seat halves are assembled to 'near mint' condition. Inventoried complete with all parts, decals and instructions present.

Faller Messerschmitt Me-262 Jet Fighter And Me-109 - (Bf109), 1/100, 1262

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good++


SALE!! Includes both kits in the original boxes. Both are never started. They have been inventoried and include all plastic part and instructions. NOTE: both are missing the decals.

Faller Heinkel He-111 - KG55 / KG3 / 6th Staffel KG3 / II Gruppe KG3, 1/100, 275

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


Rare model kit from the early to mid 1960s and nicely molded for that time. The kit has never been started. The smallest parts are still in the factory sealed bag. All other pieces were not factory sealed and have been inventoried complete. Includes decals for four different aircraft and instructions. Even includes the original Faller packing inspection quality control sheet.

Airfix Douglas TBD Devastator - With ESCI Decals - Type Three Logo Issue, 1/72, 264

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


Includes an excellent condition ESCI 1/72 TBD Devastator Decal Sheet with full color painting and markings guide. There are decals for 5 TBDs total: prewar VT-2 USS Lexington 1939, VT-3 USS Saratoga 1939, VT-6 USS Enterprise 1940, VT-6 C.O. Lt. Cdr. E Lindsey aircraft from the Battle of Midway 192 and VT-8 C.O. Lt. Cdr. J.C. Waldron of Torpedo 8, 1942 (Also includes decals for two SOC-3 Seagulls; one from Wake Island). The actual kit is the 1960s Third Logo issue which includes high visibility or Navy wartime gray decals for two aircraft. Features interior detail, crew members, optional position canopies, rotating wheels and propeller, optional bomb or torpedo configurations and folded or unfolded wings. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Revell Focke-Wulf Fw-190, 1/72, H615-49

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


True first issue with the 49 cent price extension and two piece box with framable artwork dated 1962. Never started. Inventoried complete with all parts, decals and instructions present.

Revell Republic P-47D Thunderbolt, 1/72, H613-49

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good++


Very first issue with 49 cent price extension, dated 1963 and in the early two piece box with frameable Brian Knight artwork. Molded in dark green and clear. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Lindberg US Strategic Strafer P-47 Thunderbolt, 1/72, 416-29

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still factory sealed. Hard-to-find first issue with the clear panel on the box top and a 29 cent price extension. Late 1950s/early 1960s one-piece soft box with a color trading card and instructions on the back.

ESCI LTV F-8E (F8) Crusader - VF-162 USS Oriskany / VMF-312 Marines / French Navy Flotille 14 F, 1/48, SC-4011

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Nicely molded and features fine raised panel lines, good cockpit, detailed main and nose gear gear wells, AIM-9 Sidewinder and Matra R.530 air-to-air missiles and more. Includes markings for all three versions including French Navy. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram B-26 Marauder - Yankee Guerrilla, 1/48, 5506

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Good++


Still factory sealed. Dated 1991 and from the original molds. This is still the only accurate large-scale model of the Widowmaker. Features excellent interior detail, crew members, rotating turrets with elevating guns, full wheel well detail, opened or closed bomb bay doors with bomb load, rotating props and rear boarding ladder.

MPC Gangbusters 1928 Lincoln Sport Touring by Locke - Build It As A Bullet-Riddled Get-Away Car / Screeching Police Pursuit / Famous Stock Classic, 1/25, 200-200

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Very rare and early MPC kit with the old logo. Highly detailed with over 170 parts and features optional parts and decals for all three versions, rolling frame construction just like the actual automobile, detailed flat-head V-8, hinged, opening hood, side-mount spare tires, steerable front wheels, wire wheels, rubber tires with wide whitewall inserts, interchangeable convertible top and boot, optional luggage trunk, Gangster or Police figures, bullet-riddled windshield and radiator, bootleg bottles and cases, secret weapons compartment and more. Never started. It has been inventoried and the car is complete but NOTE: missing some accessories - the arsenal of weapons and violin case. Otherwise complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. Please note that the box may look slightly better than the 'good' rating but it is graded as such because there are very light stains on three of the box sides.

Pyro American President Liner President Wilson or Cleveland, 1/547, B279-200

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


Mid 1960s issue that can be built as the ocean liner SS President Wilson or SS President Cleveland. These fine ships sailed to exotic Pacific ports and did at least one Round-The-World Cruise each year. At the time this kit was made, they were the only two ocean liners flying the American flag. This full-hull kit with good detail for that time and was designed from the original blueprints furnished by the American President Lines. With super-detailing photoetched parts from Gold Medal Models you can make this into a very nice display piece (use the Revell box-scale offerings from the GMM webpage). Never started. Inventoried 100% complete including instructions.

Hasegawa Boeing 767 Delta Air Lines, 1/200, LC14

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


Dated 1987. Very nicely molded in two colors and clear. Features optional position landing gear, display stand and extensive, full color Delta markings. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. The box is graded only 'good-' because of paint overspray, visible on the lower right and on the right short side panel. Decals are in 'near mint+' condition.

Skywave Aircraft Hangar - Three WWII Hangars With Control Towers, 1/700, 13

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Detailed kit with three large hangers and three control towers in the style shown on the box art. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes instructions (on the back of the box).

Revell Russian Space Station - From the Movie Armageddon, 1/144, 85-3628

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still factory sealed. 1998 issue. Nice model of the Space Station as depicted in the Touchstone Pictures movie 'Armageddon.'

Monogram Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress with Diorama Instructions, 1/48, 5600

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


Original issue dated 1975 that includes the desirable full color diorama instructions. This model is widely considered the finest 1/48 B-17 model ever produced and is very well detailed with a full interior. NOTE: this kit has very minor assembly to (2) parts: clamp halves for turret are assembled to 'professional' quality. There is no other assembly. One desk top is painted; one half of the ball turret frames are painted to 'near mint' quality. There is no other painting. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

AMT 1995 Dodge Viper RT/10 - Plus Pack With Testors Glue / Paints / Brush Included, 1/25, 8655

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


1998 issue. Very nicely molded and detailed. Features detailed engine and engine compartment, removable hood, full interior, detailed exhaust & chassis underside and more. Never started. Most parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags; the parts that were never sealed (the chrome and clear) have been inventoried complete. Includes decals and instructions.

AMT 1991 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1, 1/25, 6143

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. Features over 80 pieces, detailed 5.7 liter LT5 375 hp engine, detailed engine compartment, opening hood, 'very good' chassis and suspension, full interior, rubber tires and more.

MPC TBD-1 Devastator - VT-5 From CV-5 USS Yorktown, 1/72, 1-4111

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


1983 Golden Wings issue from high quality Airfix molds. Features interior detail, crew members, optional position canopies, rotating wheels and propeller, optional bomb or torpedo configurations and folded or unfolded wings. Decals are for the colorful pre-war 'Yellow Wing" aircraft from VT-5, USS Yorktown. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.