Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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Airfix Dornier Do-17Z, 1/72, A05010

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Superb, modern kit from completely new molds. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix Dornier Do-17 E/F - Type 4 Issue, 1/72, 04014-1

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


1970s or early '80s Type 4 Logo issue of this very good kit of the in-line liquid-cooled engine version of the 'Flying Pencil.' Features optional parts for 'F' or 'E' variants, fine recessed and raised surface detail,'good' cockpit and interior, three crew members and more. Includes decals and paint guide for two different aircraft, 'F' G2+BH and 'E' 54+A39. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix North American B-25C/D Mitchell - B-25D Lady Jane 23rd Antisubmarine Sq Tampa FL July 1943 / B-25C Desert Warrior 8st Bomb Sq (Medium) 12th Group Bolling Field Washington DC July 1943, 1/72, A06015

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Modern issue from completely new molds. Features 166 pieces, all recessed surface detail, excellent cockpit and crew stations, detailed bomb bay with optional position bomb bay doors, bomb load, working rudders and elevators, 'good' engine detail, optional position landing gear, separately molded split trailing edge wing flaps, rotating turret with elevating guns, pilot figure, optional parts for different variants and more. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

MPC Rockwell B-1B Bomber, 1/72, 1-4551

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair+


Very nicely molded and detailed. Measures over 23 inches when assembled. Features detailed cockpit, swinging wings, opened or closed weapons bay with cruise missiles, moving elevators, detailed engine pods and intakes and optional position crew boarding ladder. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. NOTE: 1/3 of the decal sheet has a stain. While these decals are complete and intact, be prepared to furnish your own decals if you are building this kit. Please note that the box top displays better than the 'fair+' rating but is graded as such because the lower long side panel has a missing 3/5" x 3" section where the 'Golden Tokens' were removed.

Hasegawa P-40E Warhawk South Pacific Aces - 9th FS 49th FG Lt. Andrew J Reynolds Darwin Australia Spring 1942 / 9th FS 49th FG Lt. John D Landers New Guinea 1942, 1/48, 09702

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Excellent kit dated 2006 from new molds. Features 109 parts, all fine, recessed panel lines, excellent cockpit and wheel well detail, optional position canopy, drop tank and more. Includes decals for the two aircraft. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Fine Molds Mitsubishi A5M4 Claude - Navy Carrier Fighter, 1/48, FB21

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Dated 2016. This superb model is highly detailed inside and out. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

SMER Fokker S-11 Instructor Trainer, 1/50, 117

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Good+


Still factory sealed; the seal has shrunk and drawn the box top concave as shown. Hard-to-find kit of the Dutch Trainer in a large near 1/48 scale. Dependable, sturdy, and reportedly docile, this primary trainer was developed soon after WW II. According to one source the design concept was created during the German Occupation of the Low Countries. The S-11 was successful and exported to Brazil, Bolivia, Israel, Italy and Paraguay Some examples manufactured under license in Brazil (including a tricycle gear version) and Italy. Several examples were reported in civilian registration in the state of Georgia & aerobatic use as recently as 2017.

Accurate Miniatures P-51C Mustang Merlin Powered Plus WarBirds Decals - 'Princess' China 1945 Or Penny, 1/48, 3419

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Includes Warbird Decals #48005 "332nd Fighter Group P-51C/D" aftermarket decal set with markings/paint guide. Never used and in mint condition. The actual kit is highly detailed from excellent molds. Includes Accurate Miniatures decals for 'Princess' #2103896 and 'Penny' #2103903. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes instructions.H

UPC Mitsubishi C5M1 Babs - Civil - (ex Marusan), 1/50, 5064-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Rare 1/50 scale large Babs from ex-Marusan molds. Very nicely detailed for that time with full cockpit, pilot and navigator figures, complete clear side window set, operating elevator, rudder ailerons and wing flap, rotating wheels and prop and removable cowl to show well-molded engine. Has very colorful civil 'Kamikaze' decals. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. UPC stood for Universal Powermaster Corporation which was based out of New York City, NY. UPC did not cut their own molds, but bought kits already molded from other manufacturers and re-boxed the kits in the USA. Scott Eidson, the famous artist best known for his artwork with Revell, also did UPC box art in the 1960s. All UPC production ended in the 1970s.

Guillows Curtiss P-40 Warhawk And Douglas A-1H Skyraider And SIG Mr. Mulligan, 501

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


SALE!! Includes all three stick-and-tissue flying aircraft kits. All three are never started. The small parts are still in the factory sealed bags; the parts that were never factory sealed have been inventoried complete. Includes decals and plans/instructions.

Dragon NATO Multiple Launch Rocket System MRLS, 1/35, 3522

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Very well molded and highly detailed kit with 276 pieces. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Amtech P-40F / P-40L Merlin Engine Warhawk / Kittyhawk II - USAAF 65FS 57 FG Libya '42 / 87FS 79FS Tunisia '43 / 99FS 79FG Italy '44 / 68FS 347FG Guadalcanal '43 / French Air Force GC.II/5 Algeria '43, 1/48, 489202

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Features all fine recessed panel lines, very good cockpit detail, detailed gear wells, four part clear canopy and a three sheets of decals for the 5 aircraft listed as well as a complete painting guide. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram Supermarine Mk IX Spitfire, 1/48, PA79-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Still factory sealed and in amazing, investment-grade 'Mint' condition. This is the 1962 first issue 'Four Star' kit that is part of a very famous World War II action kit line that Monogram issued in 1/48 scale. Very nicely molded kit that features retractable landing gear, pilot, four blade prop, 20mm cannon and belly tank.

Revell Lockheed 1049 Super Constellation - TWA N7104C/ TWA N7114C / TWA N7125C / Lufthansa D-ALIN / D-ALEM / D-ALP, 1/128, 04252

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


2006 issue from completely new molds; not a reissue Revell's old Connie. Features 95 pieces, all fine recessed panel detail, very good cockpit, full gear wells, clear cabin and cockpit windows, optional front nose for two different variants, antenna rigging instructions and more. Includes the finest decal sheet that Revell ever made for any Constellation. In addition to extensive fine markings and details, it has transfers for the six aircraft listed above. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

OS Engines Carburetor Complete 7D - For 108FSR (BX-1), 29081000

Metal Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed


NOS - New Old Stock and still factory sealed.

Dragon Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar Late Sd.Kfz.166, 1/35, 6026

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed VG++


Still factory sealed. Well detailed kit from 1994 with numerous parts and PE details.

LF Models Bell YMF-1 Airacuda, 1/72, 7271

Resin Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Very highly detailed model of this USAAF multiplace fighter aircraft. Beautifully molded in high-definition resin and includes two frets of numerous PE brass parts, printed instrument panel, very good cockpit and crew stations and more. Includes a color painting guide and full decals. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. From aviastar.org: Embodying many innovatory features and designed by Robert J Woods, the FM-1 Airacuda was a five-seat long-range bomber destroyer. Powered by two engines mounted as pushers, the Airacuda accommodated two gunners in forward extensions of the engine nacelles, these crew members being provided with wing crawl-ways enabling them to gain the fuselage in the event that it proved necessary to evacuate the nacelle gun positions. The prototype, the XFM-1 powered by two 1150hp Allison V-1710-13 12-cylinder liquid-cooled engines driving three-blade propellers via 1.62m extension shafts, was flown on 1 September 1937. Twelve evaluation models were subsequently ordered, nine as YFM-1s and three as YFM-1As which differed in having tricycle undercarriages. Power was provided by 1,150hp Allison V-1710-23s, but three YFM-1s were completed with V-1710-41s of 1,090hp as YFM-1Bs. The 12 YFMs were delivered to the USAAC between February and October 1940, and their armament comprised one 37mm T-9 cannon with 110 rounds in each engine nacelle, one 7.62mm M-2 machine gun with 500 rounds in each of the retractable dorsal turret and ventral tunnel positions, and one 12.7mm M-2 gun firing from each of the port and starboard beam positions. Twenty 13.6kg bombs could be accommodated internally.

Monogram Flying Sub from Seaview Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, 1/60, 6011

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good++


1995 reissue from ex-Aurora molds. Very nice, larger scale kit molded in yellow, gray and clear plastic. Features detailed interior, operating pick up hood and a crew of two. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes instructions.

Fujimi Porsche 356B 1600S Roadster, 1/24, 29

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Rare and still factory sealed. Part of the extensive and well detailed Fujimi Porsche 356 series.

Adams Ranch Wagon - (ex Miniature Masterpiece), 1/48, K232-88

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


Very rare 1958 issue and even more so in amazing, investment-grade 'Near Mint' condition. This highly detailed model includes wagon with detailed chassis, hitch & brakes, tools & cargo, display base, four mules, driver & son and more. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes instructions. This kit has an interesting history. 'Miniature Masterpieces' was formed through an alliance of Lew Glaser (Revell) and Steve Adams (Adams Action Models) in 1953. Although the molds were made at Adams and it had the appearance of an independent company, the firm was run by Revell down to the prototypes being made at the Revell plant. Originally there was no evidence of the parent company on the surface. The State Coach of England was the first kit, issued in 1953. More kits of excellent quality followed. Revell completely took over the line in 1954 and in that year and the next, kits were labeled 'Revell' with a 'Miniature Masterpiece' label on the box top also. However, Adams broke the relationship with Revell in the later 1950s and began making kits under the Adams name with the original molds.