Old Plastic Model Kits

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Life-Like Naval 24 Pounder Cannon - Two Kits, 1/24, 09690

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Please read carefully as one kit is incomplete. There are two models in one box. Includes one kit that has not been started and is 100% complete and another partial kit. The partial kit is missing one front bumper, one cannon barrel back end cap, lever arm and ram rod. Includes all other parts. Well detailed kit from ex-Palmer molds. Includes rope and metal chain. Neither model has been started. The parts are inventoried as per above. Includes two sets of instructions.

Pyro Miquelet Moorish Lock Pistol, 1/1, C227-129

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


From about 1966. Early hardbox issue. In addition to cars, ships, planes and figures, Pyro added an excellent line of well-known and not-so-well-known life-sized (1/1) scale pistol and rifle models to their line. In each case Pyro gained access to the actual weapon during the kit design, insuring a very accurate model. This one is a 21 inch long copy of the Miquelet used in Spanish Morocco between 1610 and 1875. The lock was made in Spain, while the barrel and the ornamented stock were made by the North African and Arabian craftsmen. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions.

Renwal General Patton II Medium Tank, 1/32, M556

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+++


First issue of this action kit. Features working suspension, treds, rotating turret, elevating gun, lock clamp for traveling position, detailed engine with removable hatch and crew members that take cover then pop up from hatches. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. NOTE: one small 'U' shaped hand rail is broken in 1/2 and the 1/2 is missing. This could be easily made from plastic stock.

Pyro 1930 Packard Boat-Tailed Roadster, 1/32, C343-79

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


1965 Pyro issue from original molds. In the early to mid 1960s the Pyro company chose many of it's kit subjects based more on historical significance than popularity. Luckily for us, Pyro not only made these kits but did an excellent job for the time. The Pyro car models are based on the actual cars that Pyro engineers and designers had access to. The model includes colored plastic, chrome plated and clear parts. Features detailed chassis with suspension, stearing linkage and fuel tank, detailed engine with removable hood, spoked wheels, full interior and top boot. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including instructions.

Arii Combat Sets - M7 Bayonets, 1/1, 44031-600

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Still factory sealed. Full size replica of the US M7 bayonet.

Pyro Gloster Gladiator, 1/48, P607-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Very nicely molded with good details. Features full engine, cockpit and a very fine 'fabric' design where the real aircraft was cloth covered. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Revell Dornier Do-24 T, 1/72, 04362

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


From Italaerei molds. The Do-24 was being build in Holland under license . When the Germans invaded, they found 3 done and 25 in various states of completion. The Air Ministry was looking for aircraft suitable to salvage sunk aircraft, and the Do-24 fit the bill. The American Wright engines were removed and BMWs installed. The Do-24 went on to see successful service in WWII as recon, supply and ambulance aircraft. A squadron was supplied to Spain, and one Do-24 remained operational until 1970. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram Dornier Arrow Do-335 - Day/Night versions with Diorama Instructions - Short Box Issue, 1/48, 7538

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Second issue still dated 1974 but in the 'short' box. Well engineered kit with excellent detail. Includes very desirable diorama instructions. Builds one or two seater version - day or night fighter with radar. Has removable panels to show twin DB-603 engine detail. Features full cockpits with optional position canopies and two position undercarriage and rotating propellers. The Do-335 was a very high performance German WWII aircraft that was too late to see active service. In addition to it's 480+ mph speed, the 335 was equipped with ejection seats and a linked jettisonable upper vertical tail surface. Never started. Factory bagged or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Bilway Corporation Soaring Sam - 53 inch Wingspan Free Glider, 7770

Other Materials,   Box Condition: VG


Bilway Corporation of New York, New York created the famous 'Soaring Sam' in the 1972. It was an excellent flier and it proved to be very popular. Made entirely of injection molded hard foam, Soaring Sam is very light and has a glide ratio of 48 to 1. The wings and tail are designed to snap free upon any rough impact. Molded with a white fuselage and orange wings and stabilizer. Includes full instructions on flying and trimming. Never assembled or flow - in mint condition inside the box. Ironically, Soaring Sam could now be easily converted to RC with today's feather-weight receivers, batteries and servos.

Monogram F-105G Wild Weasel with IMPS 1984 National Convention Decals - Last ANG F-105 Flight 'Peach 91' in 1/48 and 1/72 scale (and C-130H 'City of Marietta' in 1/72 and 1/48), 1/48, 5806

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


1982 issue. Includes a bonus decal sheet in excellent condition - IPMS Atlanta National Convention #D-CS-84 for the last ANG F-105 flight and 'City of Marietta' Air Force Reserve for a C-130H. Both decals are provided in 1/48 and 1/72 scale. The model is a very highly detailed kit of the two seat Thud. Features full cockpit, optional position canopies, two Shrike Missiles, one ARM Anti-Radiation Missile and external tanks. Very finely molded and detailed kit with traditional high Monogram quality. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions. NOTE: one 'stars and bar' decal is missing from the Monogram sheet but all others are intact.

Adams Covered Wagon - (ex Miniature Masterpiece), 1/48, K213-88

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


Rare 1958 issue. Very highly detailed model includes wagon, accessories, base, two Longhorn Oxen, horse, rider and two figures. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete including instructions. This kit has an interesting history. 'Miniature Masterpieces' was formed through an alliance of Lew Glaser (Revell) and Steve Adams (Adams Action Models) in 1953. Although the molds were made at Adams and it had the appearance of an independent company, the firm was run by Revell down to the prototypes being made at the Revell plant. Originally there was no evidence of the parent company on the surface. The State Coach of England was the first kit, issued in 1953. More kits of excellent quality followed. Revell completely took over the line in 1954 and in that year and the next, kits were labeled 'Revell' with a 'Miniature Masterpiece' label on the box top also. However, Adams broke the relationship with Revell in the later 1950s and began making kits under the Adams name with the original molds.

Eastern Express Russian Battleship Kn. Suvorov, 1/350, 41003

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Flagship of the Russian 2nd Pacific Squadron which took part in the Battle of Tsushima on May 14, 1905. Full hull kit is very nicely molded and detailed with 398 parts. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bags including decals and instructions.

Monogram Super-G Constellation - C-121C MATS - (L1049), 1/131, 7591

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Poor


1975 issue. This is the original TWA Connie kit from 1957 with MATS markings. Box is poor, but the parts inside are in excellent condition The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions. Decals are intact but 1/3 of the sheet has a light water stain.

Monogram Curtiss SB2C Helldiver - Bagged, 1/48, 6831

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: No Box


Bagged kit - no box. The box is shown for reference only. 1983 issue of the classic 1961 "Four Star" kit but with improved molds and better cockpit detail. Has many action features: Folding wings, retractable landing gear, bomb bay opens and bomb drops (after swinging clear of the prop!), rear guns can be stowed or elevated, canopies open and close and the wheels and prop rotate. Never started and complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Comet Grumman S2F Hunter Killer ASW Aircraft Large Scale, 1/54, PL 801-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM-


Mid 1950s kit in fantastic condition. Comet hardbox issue of the larger near-1/48 version of the S2F. As with most Comet kits, this one is very nicely molded with all recessed panel detail and no unsightly rivets. Features retractable sonar dome and MAD boom, extensive clear windows, wing search light with clear cover, rocket under-wing load out, rotating props and display stand. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Sterling P-51D Mustang - 24 inch Wingspan for RC - Drops Twin Bombs in Flight, A13-398

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Early to mid 1960s issue of this beautiful 24 inch wingspan kit for RC, free flight or control line. Includes innovative system for automatically dropping twin wing mounted bombs in flight. Sterling was a famous manufacturer dating back to the 1930/40s flying model craze. Although they continued to produce kits for decades after the flying model slump following World War II, they eventually fell victim to the general lack of interest in modeling that occurred in the early 1980s. I always considered Sterling kits to be deluxe kits as they featured color decals, high-grade die cut balsa, vacuform plastic detail parts, plastic wheels (if required), finished wire landing gear, rubber motor and plastic prop, full size plans with instruction details and full instructions for conversion to RC or control line. The model has not been started. The parts are either in factory sealed bag(s) or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Aurora 1922 Murphy Special - Indianapolis 500 Winner - (ex Best), 1/30, 522-79

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Very rare kit dated 1958. The superb box art was painted by Monaghan, who did all of the Aurora Indy 500 winners. This kit is from Best molds. Aurora purchased these molds just for the Indianapolis 500 Winners and made only one issue. The kit is molded in gloss white with real rubber tires, spoked wheels and includes a crew of two and some interior detail. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions. The 'Murphy Special', winner of the Indy 500 in 1922, was a Duesenburg chassis and a Harry Miller engine of 183 CID. It was driven by the great racer Jimmy Murphy.

Pyro 1915 Model T Ford Coupelet Vintage Brass Car, 1/32, C451-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


1967 Pyro issue from original molds. In the early to mid 1960s the Pyro company chose many of it's kit subjects based more on historical significance than popularity. Luckily for us, Pyro not only made these kits but did an excellent job for the time. The Pyro car models are based on the actual cars that Pyro engineers and designers had access to. In some cases, the specific car and owner is on the box. The model includes rubber tires, brass plated parts, colored injection molded parts and clear parts. Features detailed chassis, complete motor and interior and a removable hood or 'bonnet'. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions.

Revell Lockheed F-104C and F-104G Starfighter - USAF or Luftwaffe, 1/48, H236

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


1977 issue. Has all parts and decals for both versions. Includes highly detailed cockpit with 3-D instrument panel, M-61 Vulcan cannon with optional position hatch, optional position landing gear, and more. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Revell USS Fletcher / USS Radford / USS The Sullivans, 1/301, H458

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


1976 issue. Fantastic artwork by Jack Leynnwood. Will build any of the three destroyers listed. Large and detailed kit builds up to almost 15" long. Features rotating main 5 inch turrets, twelve 20mm AA guns, eight 40mm AA guns, hedgehog launcher, torpedo tubes and more. The kit has never been started. NOTE: missing #30 torpedo crane. This crane it shaped like a 'T' can could be made from stock plastic material. Otherwise inventoried with all other parts including decals and instructions. NOTE: instructions are photocopies.