Old Plastic Model Kits

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Aurora USS Enterprise - CV-6 Aircraft Carrier From World War II, 1/600, 714-149

Vaccuform Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Very rare first issue hardbox dated 1960; even rarer in 100% complete and never started condition. This is the true first issue because of the 'Famous Fighters' text in the border of the Sunburst logo, the 149 price extension and the fantastic Jo Kotula artwork. This kit was the first (and still one of the few) injection molded kits of the historical CV-6, the US Navy's Most Decorated Ship. The model features full hull, large and small AA guns, detailed superstructure, pre-war 'EN' flight deck markings, aircraft and display stand. Inside the kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals, color flag sheet and instructions present. Decals are perfectly flat and 100% intact; typical age yellowing is the only flaw. The instructions and paper flag sheet are both 'excellent' to 'excellent+' condition with slight age yellowing as the only significant flaw. The box is graded 'very good+' and has excellent color and gloss, four solid corners, no repairs, no price tags or marks from tags, no tape or tape marks (other than two light marks from the original factory sealing tape), no fading, tear, rips or missing litho. Flaws include light and even shelf wear, edge and corner wear as shown.

Tamiya Porsche 910 With Photo-Etched Details - And Seat Belts / Window Masks, 1/12, 12041

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Hard-to-find limited edition that includes many photo-etched steel parts and seat belts & window masks as well. Large, highly detailed model features super detailed fuel injection engine, steerable front wheels, semi-pneumatic rubber like tires, complete racing cockpit, working suspension with metal springs, removable front and rear trunks and more. Includes Cartograf decals for four types of markings. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. Please note that Tamiya did not furnish the motor with this kit.

Azur Latecoere 298 - French Air Force Esc T1 1939 / Luftwaffe Dodecanese 1944, 1/72, 003

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


High quality limited production model that features recessed panel lines, photoetched details, very good cockpit, torpedo load-out, opened or closed rear canopy and more. Includes paint guide and full decals for all aircraft listed. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Hasegawa B-239 Buffalo Finnish (F2A) - BW-384 1945 / 3-LeLv 24 W/O I. Juutilainen / 3-LeLv 24 Ens L. Nissinem / 4-LeLv 24 Lt. E. Riihikollio, 1/72, AP46

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Beautifully molded and features all fine recessed panel lines, excellent cockpit, gear well detail, separately molded engine and cowl, three piece canopy and more. Includes an extensive paint guide and decals for all aircraft listed. NOTE: this kit has minor, 'professional' quality subassembly as follows: floor halves, seat and control stick assembled. There is no other assembly. Inventoried 100% complete and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix HMS Iron Duke Battleship - Type 4 Logo Issue, 1/600, 04210-7

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Still factory sealed. This is a full-hull, Very nicely detailed kit like most all of the Airfix ships.

Tamiya M60A3 Medium Tank, 1/35, 35140

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


High quality, well molded and detailed armor kit. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Tamiya Sd. Kfz 222 Leichter Panzerspahwagen, 1/35, MM151

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Detailed kit from high quality molds. Includes commander figure and screen material for top of turret. Never started. Internal factory sealed bag including decals and instructions.

UPC USSR Patrol Torpedo Boat PT8 No. 915 Motorized, 1/87, 5008-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


Rare kit from UPC with box artwork by Eidson. The mold origins of this kit are not known. The kit is designed for water operation and includes all motorizing hardware but the motor was not furnished with the kit - like virtually all UPC kits. Features battery contacts, metal shaft & propeller, clever switch activated with a gun platform, brass switch contacts wire, U-joint & screws. The plastic parts are molded in dark blue. The kit has not been started. The hardware packet is still factory sealed. All other parts have been inventoried complete with all other parts, Soviet decals, instructions and motorizing hardware. Please note that the instructions show two ways to motorize the kit - the parts are included for the instructions on the back. Why UPC listed two ways is confusing at best, as each requires a different set of switch parts. UPC stood for Universal Powermaster Corporation which was based out of New York City, NY. UPC did not cut their own molds, but bought kits already molded from other manufacturers and re-boxed the kits in the USA. Scott Eidson, the famous artist best known for his artwork with Revell, also did UPC box art in the 1960s. All UPC production ended in the 1970s.

Jo-Han 1964 Cadillac Coupe De Ville - Two Door Hardtop, 1/25, C-3764

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Nicely detailed with full interior, opening hood, detailed engine and engine compartment with firewall, battery, radiator and washer jar, clear windows and molded underside detail. Molded in a ivory, excellent condition chrome plate, clear, red tinted clear and with rubber white sidewall tires. NOTE: this kit has very minor, 'professional' quality subassembly as follows: one front seat built and painted with one very thin coat of white paint. There is no other assembly. Inventoried 100% complete and includes photocopied instructions (the original instructions are missing). Please NOTE that a few small parts are a different color plastic; they are from an earlier issue of this same kit.

Kora Vickers Type 432, 1/72, 7246

Resin Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Very rare. This excellent limited edition model features main airframe parts in professional-grade resin castings, numerous photoetched parts, printed instruments, cast metal details, excellent full cockpit and more. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Academy Boeing B-50D Superfortress - El Paso, 1/72, 2112

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Dated 1991. Large and highly detailed model. Includes the correct changes for an accurate B-50 model. Beautifully molded and features all fine recessed panel lines, highly detailed cockpit and interior crew stations and bomb bay, full bomb load, optional position bomb bay doors, long range tanks and detailed gear wells. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Revell Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress - (ex Monogram), 1/48, 85-5600

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


2004 reissue of the superb Monogram model. Features full interior detail, rotating wheels and propellers, rotating turrets, elevating guns, bomb cart with bombs and much more. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Revell USS Forrest Sherman DD931 Destroyer, 1/320, H463

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Dated 1972 and measures over 15 inches long when assembled. This is a large-scale, well detailed model for that time and still one of the best for a ship of this class. Features full hull with propellers and rudder detail, complete deck fittings, elevating and rotating main turrets, torpedo tubes, torpedo and lifeboat davits, detailed depth charge racks, display stand, decals, flag sheet and more. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Revell Convair B-58 Hustler - Jet Command Issue, 1/94, H272-130

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM+


Factory sealed 1964 hardbox issue dated 1964 in very rare, investment-grade, 'Near Mint+' condition. This model is a reissue of the excellent, original 1950s 'S' kit. Very well molded featuring both very fine recessed and raised panel lines, three crew members, three opening entry hatches, detailed landing gear, weapons/fuel pod and more.

Revell Boeing B-52 Giant Stratofortress - Pre 'S' Kit, 1/175, H207-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


2nd release of this classic Pre 'S' kit from 1954. Features the higher profile box (1.5" high) with great artwork. Inside the kit has the four piece stand and the revised instructions showing it. NOTE: this kit has two parts neatly assembled- the fuselage halves have been assembled to 'near mint' quality. There is no other assembly and zero painting. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Anigrand Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech, 1/72, AA2059

Resin Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Very highly detailed resin kit. Never started and with all parts sttill internally sealed. Complete with decals and instructions. In 1950, Wright Air Development Center of the U.S.A.F. had worked with Curtiss and Hamilton to study the concept of a new propeller which could approach supersonic speed and power a piston-engine fighter. The engineers at WADC needed a suitable airframe to test the concept. They selected most powerful Allison turboprop engine at the time and chose to modify the Republic F-84F for this new role. The concept also compelled the U.S. Navy to join the evaluation because they were interested in a high-speed jet fighter with low fuel consumption and low take-off and landing speed. In 1952, two prototypes were ordered from Republic and were designated XF-84H. The maiden flight was made in 1955. Performance was not outstanding as it never reached supersonic speed, but still became the fastest propeller-driven fighter. After more flight testing, both the Air Force and Navy lost further interest in the research as mid-flight refueling experiments showed promise to extend the range of the pure-jet aircraft on the drawing boards.

Aurora Breguet 14, 1/48, 141-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM++


Still factory sealed and in investment-grade "Near Mint++" condition. this kit is part of one of the earliest lines of US made plastic aircraft models, the 1/48 WWI series by Aurora. It began in 1955 and expanded through the 1960s. It was so popular that many were still selling at Aurora's demise in 1976 and Monogram even reissued some of them after purchasing the Aurora molds.

Aurora Fokker E-111 Eindekker, 1/48, 134-79

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


1963 hardbox with Jo Kotula artwork. First issue; please note the front has the blue oval logo and the side panel logos do have 'Famous Fighters' in the border. Molded in the correct gloss tan and black plastic. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. This is part of the famous Aurora WWI series of 1/48 scale aircraft. The series began in 1956 and Aurora added new kits into the early 1960s. The line proved incredibly popular, so these kits were included in the 'mold upgrade' in the 1970s before Aurora went out of business.

Aurora DeHavilland DH-4 - (DH4), 1/48, 112-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


First issue dated 1957 with classic Jo Kotula artwork and the sunburst oval logo with 'Famous Fighters' in the border. The kit has never been started. Inventoried with all parts parts, decals and instructions present. Besides it's distinguished career in WWI, the DH-4 saw extensive post war service in numerable ways. One of the most interesting was as a United States Post Office air mail service aircraft. The aircraft's likeness even graced an airmail stamp of the time. In about 1925, the Post Office decided to upgrade. The prototype was the Douglas M-1 and an improved version, the M-2, became the next mail carrier. The M-2 is also an Aurora kit in the same scale.

Dragon Apollo 11 Lunar Module Eagle, 1/48, 11008

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good++


Rare. This is a very intricate, state of the art model and widely considered one of the best kits in 1/48 of the Eagle. Includes amazing gold plated parts that perfectly replicate the covering of the real lander, stages that separate, full decals and more. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.