Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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KVZ Tupolev Tu-114 Aeroflot, 1/100, 5008

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Classic Cold War USSR Tu-95 Bear in Civil Aeroflot dress. KVZ was the logo used by this East German kit manufacturer from 1969 to 1973. During this time they produced some fantastic Cold War kits of Russian Airliners and Military Helicopters and Aircraft. Molded in ivory, silver, black and clear. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Testors SNJ-5 Navy Trainer (ex-Hawk), 1/72, 609

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


From high quality original Hawk molds. Features recessed panel lines, excellent fit and Navy decals. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Supermodel Fiat CR-32 - Luftwaffe/Austria/Italy/Spanish Civil War - Bagged, 1/72, 10-009

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: No Box


Bagged kit - no box. The box is shown for reference only. Nicely molded and detailed kit. Has markings for all four aircraft. This kit has never been started. NOTE: missing display stand and pilot. Inventoried with all other parts, decals and instructions.

ITC Martin MB-2 Bomber, 1/78, C-547-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Ringo issue from ex-ITC molds. Ringo was the name used to clear out the ITC warehouse when ITC left the model business. The famous first bomber to sink a battleship under any circumstances. Billy Mitchell arranged to have the ex-WWI German Battleship Ostfriesland used as target practice for 6 MB2s, and the ship sank in 25 minutes. This kit has not been started. The parts are either still in the factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions. Most Ringo kits came with no decals, and this kit is no exception.

Revell Launch Tower Space Shuttle and Booster Rockets, 1/144, 4911

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair+


The definitive large and highly detailed Space Shuttle and Launcher kit. Features detailed tower structure, fixed service structure with 12 work levels, lightning mast, movable access arms for the support systems, movable access arm with the 'White Room' for the crew, rotating hammerhead crane, retractable rotating service structure, payload changeout room, space shuttle, main center fuel tank, two solid rocket boosters, authentic decals and more. The kit has never been started. All parts are still in the internally sealed bags. Complete with decals and instructions. NOTE: Revell made the kit box much larger than necessary. If your country has smaller postal size restrictions (or just want to save money on shipping), I can put this model in a much smaller box and save significantly on shipping. When checking out, just write 'Remove From Box' in the comments and I will send you a new estimate.

Eagles Talon Mig-3, 1/72

Vacuform Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair+


Very high quality complete kit. Features fine recessed detail and panel lines - better detail than many injection molded kits. Includes full plans/instructions. Never started and complete. Certain modeling skills are required to build vacuform kits. Not recommended for beginners.

Encore Mig 3 z.6 With True Details Resin, 1/72, 1021

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair+


Never started. Factory sealed box/bag or 100% inventoried with all parts decals and instructions present.

Revell Outlaw - Ed 'Big Daddy' Roth's 'Jewel' Show car, 1/25, H1282-198

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc++


Still factory sealed. 1994 reissue from original molds. At the time, Revell pulled out all the stops on this kit. The result was incredible tooling costs at the time, but the kit was a masterpiece in it's day. Features detailed custom engine, chrome spoke wheels, full interior, show stanchions, trophy, plaque, saber gear shift lever and Roth decals.

Revell Ed Big Daddy Roths Beatnik Bandit, 1/25, H1279-200

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Still factory sealed. 1994 reissue using the original 1963 molds. The Bandit was another of Ed Roth's incredible custom car creations that won him recognition across the USA. The kit features a blown Olds engine, one piece body, hinged bubble top, extra competition 'goodies', 'T' Top mag wheels, competition windshield, detailed chassis and full interior.

Revell Boeing 707 - Lufthansa - With ATP TWA StarStream and Cargojet Decals and ATP Window Decals, 1/144, 4202

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


Includes the ATP #AD5015 TWA Passenger and Cargojet 'StarStream' decal set. This set covers TWA StarStream liners from fall 1973 and can be used for the 1/144 707, 727 and Convair 880. Includes enough numbers for almost any registration. Templates are included for the red rocket for all three aircraft. Also included is the ATP #AD7867 window decal set with black cabin and cockpit windows and separate silver frames. The kit itself is the 1982 Revell of Germany issue. Features moving rudder, optional position cabin doors, detailed engines and optional position landing gear detail. Includes a large, colorful and extensive Lufthansa decal sheet. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

UPC Combat Soldiers (ex- Revell G.I. Battle Action - Combat Team Figure Set - 'S' Kit), 1/40, 5149-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Rare. 1960s UPC issued of the ex-Revell/ex-Adams 1956 'S' kit. Includes the following figures - general, radioman, 2 bazooka men, 2 mortar men with mortar, 2 machine gunners with tripod and machine gun, soldier with mine detector, soldier with flame thrower and 9 other infantrymen. The kit has never been started. All parts are still sealed in the factory internal bag. Includes instructions.

Fujimi F-15J Eagle, 1/48, 5A48-1800

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Never started. Factory sealed box/bag or 100% inventoried with all parts decals and instructions present.

Revell 1993 Chevrolet 40th Anniversary Corvette, 1/24, 7347

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+++


1993 issue. Features detailed 5.7L engine, detailed engine bay, opening hood, optional raised convertible top, full interior, detailed chassis underside and more. Molded in clear, burgundy, chrome and with rubber tires. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag including decals and instructions.

Aurora North American B-70 Valkyrie Bomber (XB-70A), 1/105, 370-250

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair+++


Builder kit only, please read carefully. 1962 hardbox issue. This box has, in my opinion, some of the best Jack Leynnwood box art. Jack primarily did Revell artwork, but since he was freelance, he did others as well. Very large kit with 6 detailed General Electric J93-3 engines, landing gear and clear canopy. NOTE: the wheels have been painted black. There is no other painting and no gluing. NOTE: missing one engine front 'compressor fan' part. Very difficult to see on the assembled model. Includes all other plastic parts. NOTE: instructions are photocopies. Missing decals.

Revell Eurocopter EC-135 ADAC, 1/32, 04425

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+++


Civil version in a large scale. Highly detailed inside and out. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

RSL Bristol Britannia 310 - BOAC, 1/125

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


Rare. RSL kits were made in New Zealand during the 1960s. This is likely from Marusan molds. Nicely done older model with clear side and cockpit windows, rotating propellers, complete landing gear and colorful BOAC decals. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Aoshima IJN Katsuragi Aircraft Carrier, 1/700, WLA087-700

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


1/700 scale waterline kit. Very highly detailed and finely molded. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag including decals and instructions.

Fujimi IJN Hiei Battleship, 1/700, 0815-300

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


1/700 scale waterline kit. Very highly detailed and finely molded. All trees are still sealed in factory bags. Complete with instructions and decals (if furnished).

Aoshima Imperial Japanese Battleship Fuso, 1/700, WLB051-400

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Very highly detailed and finely molded. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. The box art shows Fuso steaming with a Takao class heavy cruiser and various aircraft overhead. Fuso was a most impressive vessel, seen here withthe fantastic, towering "pagoda" mast structure from her 1935 rebuild. Torpedo hits from Melvin reportedly sank the battleship Fuso at the Battle of Surigao Strait, 1944.

Ace Whitman Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk British Fighter - 15 Inch Wingspan Flying Wood Model, 3894

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


1941 issue. The 'Ace Whitman' name was used by Joe Ott for some of his marketed kits. Joe Ott had a very popular line of wooden flying and non-flying kits in the Golden Age of flying models. The other 5 aircraft in this series are illustrated on the back of the box. This model comes with full size plans, sealed 'Ace Whitman' Tentacle Cement pack, very detailed assembly instructions (unusual for these types of kits), tissue, wood stock, printwood, block, pre-carved wheels and thrust bearing, rubber band, metal prop axle, colorful cut out insignia for markings and templates for front and side canopies and more. Never started. NOTE: missing prop. Otherwise inventoried with all other parts, instructions and insignia.