Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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Testors YF-22 (F-22) ATF Raptor, 1/32, 569

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


Very large 1/32 scale kit of the ultimate modern fighter plane. Very well molded. Features decals for two aircraft, detailed gear wells and landing gear, complete cockpit, optional position canopy, optional opened or closed weapons bay with AIM-120 AMRAAM or AIM-9 Sidewinder missile load and more. All parts are still sealed in factory bags and are mint. Includes decals and instructions.

Revell USS New Jersey - 'S' Issue, 1/532, H316-198

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


1955 'S' issue with the famous box art by Scott Eidson. First issue kit of the NJ, in which Revell modified the original Missouri molds to remove the aircraft catapults and added helicopters. Never started. 100% inventoried complete with all parts, flag sheet, decals and instructions present.

Aurora American Classics 1914 Stutz Bearcat, 1/16, 156

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


1974 issue of Aurora's 'Super Detailed Museum Model with Plated Parts'. Done in a big 1/16 scale, this kit and the other 'American Classics (previously released as the 'Old Timers') in the series represented a significant leap forward in quality for Aurora. It builds up a rolling chassis with transaxle, suspension, exhaust and driveline detail and includes a detailed interior with separately molded instruments. Molded in bright red, black and with brass plated parts and real rubber tires. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions. Aurora was renowned for turning a profit and for keeping expenses down. In researching new kit subjects, they came upon a forgotten jewel - the Hudson Miniatures line of 1/16 scale wooden kits. Hudson had discontinued this line due to lack of sales of wooden kits. But the Hudson models were second to none in quality, research and documentation. Aurora was quick to realize this and used the research and layout from these kits to create the subjects for this 'Old Timers' series. It is fortunate for us that they did, because in most cases this is the only injection molded kit of these rare and classic early automobiles.

AMT 1937 Cord 812 SC Supercharged Convertible Coupe, 1/12, 2424

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Early issue of this very large 1/12 scale detailed classic car model. Features super detailed engine, opening hood, full interior with removable top, opening doors, windows that crank up and down with the handles, full suspension and underbody details, vacuformed display base and rubber tires. Molded in clear, red tinted clear, chrome and yellow, black and tan plastic. Never started. All parts are still in factory sealed bags with the exception of the base, which was never sealed. Detailed instructions included.

Revell N/S Savannah Nuclear Merchant Ship with Booklet 'The Story of Ships' - 'S' Kit, 1/381, H366-198

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


Original issue dated 1958 with the 'S' hardbox and fantastic artwork. Kit features viewable detailed reactor, rotating prop, working rudder, 12 movable cargo booms, cargo pallets with barrels/sacks/crates that fit into the holds, display stand, foil rippled 'water' for the pool and full decals. Very well molded kit and probably the best of all NS Savannah models. This model has never been started. Inside the kit is like new as it is still sealed in the factory bag. Includes the booklet 'The Story of Ships' and instructions.

Aurora Chevrolet Monza GT, 1/32, 506-70

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


1/32 slot car scale kit. Features one piece body, full interior, clear windows and rubber tires. The kit has not been started. NOTE: missing one inner wheel half and one side mirror. Inventoried with all other parts, decals and instructions.

AV Models Avia LM-02 Glider - Italy 1942, 1/72, AV126

Multimedia Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


From 2004. Limited edition kit with resin main airframe parts and details, cast metal landing gear struts, metal stock, vacuform canopy and full decals. Features detailed cockpit, fine recessed panel lines, separately molded wing flaps/speed brakes, bomb load and more. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag including decals and instructions.

RVHP Beechcraft RC-12K Guardrail - Common Sensor System 4 (Super King Air 200) - Turboprop Elint US Army Aircraft, 1/72, 72172

Multimedia Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Beautifully cast resin kit with white metal landing gear and vac cockpit windows. Features fine recessed detail, cockpit detail, full landing gear and doors, sensors, antenna, detailed painting guide and decals. A complete kit that is of very high quality. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bags including decals and instructions.

Revell 1915 Fiat Tourer - Highway Pioneers, 1/32, H55-89

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


1953 early issue molded in red acetate plastic. This kit has never been started. All parts are still sealed in the factory 'crinkle' bag with instructions. This is from the issues produced with Gowland & Gowland as it carrier their 'balloon' logo on the side. Before the 1950s 'model building' never made the top 10 list of boy's activities. Hobbies were nothing new to America in the 1930s/40s, but they were not mainstream. Shortly after the turn of the century, many dedicated modelers built flying or static airplanes, ship, train, automotive or other subjects. Basic kits existed, but the majority of these models were built from scratch, which demanded a high talent level developed from years of experience. That changed in the early 1950s. The phenomenon of the Revell/Gowland & Gowland 'Highway Pioneers' car kits was a significant force in proving that model building as a hobby could have mass appeal, provided that the kits were easy enough to build and finish. These 1/32 scale vehicles could be built in an hour after dinner and looked much like the real car. The Highway Pioneers series lead to the production of other subjects in plastic and the effect was revolutionary. By the early 1960s, model building was the #1 past time of American boys.

Revell 1904 Nash Rambler - Highway Pioneers, 1/32, H47-89

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc-


1953 issue, the first year for the 'Series Three' Highway Pioneers. The box is excellent, and the inside has never been started. It is still factory sealed in the 'krinkle' bag. Complete with instructions. Molded in bright yellow plastic. Before the 1950s 'model building' never made the top 10 list of boy's activities. Hobbies were nothing new to America in the 1930s/40s, but they were not mainstream. Shortly after the turn of the century, many dedicated modelers built flying or static airplanes, ship, train, automotive or other subjects. Basic kits existed, but the majority of these models were built from scratch, which demanded a high talent level developed from years of experience. That changed in the early 1950s. The phenomenon of the Revell/Gowland & Gowland 'Highway Pioneers' car kits was a significant force in proving that model building as a hobby could have mass appeal, provided that the kits were easy enough to build and finish. These 1/32 scale vehicles could be built in an hour after dinner and looked much like the real car. The Highway Pioneers series lead to the production of other subjects in plastic and the effect was revolutionary. By the early 1960s, model building was the #1 past time of American boys.

Hasegawa General Dynamics F-102A Delta Dagger - California Air National Guard, 1/72, 1047

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+++


When designed in 1950 the F-102 was a radical departure from conventional early jet fighter design. The delta wing allowed supersonic performance and good low speed handling. It was the first US Aircraft to be armed with missiles alone, 6 Falcons carried internally and 12 x 2.75 inch HVAR rockets in the weapons bay doors. The F-102 equipped all 25 of the ADC squadrons in the day, served in SE Asia and equipped many ANG units. Features opened or closed missile bay, full Falcon missile load, optional position landing gear and wing mounted drop tanks. Decals for an aircraft from the California Air National Guard. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag including decals and instructions.

Rareplane Douglas KA-3B / EA-3B / RA-3B Skywarrior, 1/72

Vacuform Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+++


Very finely molded and detailed. Better quality than some injection molded kit. Complete kit with full interior, clear canopy and parts for all three variants. Includes and decals. Never started. Factory sealed bag or 100% inventoried with all parts decals and instructions present.

Aurora TFX F-111B Navy Fighter Bomber (Navy F-111 Prototype), 1/48, 369-249

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Mint


One and only issue from 1966 in investment-grade condition. The hardbox is in mint condition - it looks like it was just removed from the shipping box. This only 1/48 kit of this subject. The TFX Project was proposed as a way to save money by having the Air Force and Navy use the same aircraft. The F-111B was tested by the Navy but canceled due to the large size of the aircraft. Good kit with swing wings, retractable landing gear, cockpit detail and two pilots as well as full Navy decals. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts decals and instructions present.

Maintrack Fairchild A-10A NAW - Two Seat Warthog (Thunderbolt II) Conversion, 1/48, 48-3

Resin Model Kit,   Box Condition: Mint


Hard-to-find resin conversion that makes the 1/48 Monogram A-10 into the two seater A-10A NAW. Base kit not included - this is the conversion only. Very nicely cast in clear and colored resin with instructions. Includes clear canopy, rear cockpit, ejection seats, fuselage fairings, instrument panel, bulkhead and twin rudder extensions. Never used and complete.

Megatech LZ-127 (LZ127) Graf Zeppelin - 31 inch long Wooden Kit, 1/300, MTC7000

Wood and Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc++


Still factory sealed. Out of production kit of the world's most successful rigid airship. Large 31 inch kit features laser cut plywood bulkheads, contest quality balsa, numerous vacuformed parts such as the nose, control gondola and engine gondolas, tissue covering and full size plans.

Roden Pilatus PC-6C / H-2 Turbo Porter - With decals for three 'Air America' Aircraft, 1/48, 440

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Large 1/48 scale highly detailed kit. Features all fine recessed panel lines, complete interior and decals for three CIA operated Air America aircraft. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag including decals and instructions.

Airfix Cessna O-2A Skymaster, 1/72, 61053-9

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Well detailed with interior and underwing stores. Never started. Factory sealed bag with decals and instructions.

Matchbox Westland Lysander Mk I/III, 1/32, 40504

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


From 1978. Highly detailed kit for that time that features a very good cockpit, pilot and navigator figures, separately molded control surfaces, opening canopy, rotating wheels & propeller and more. Contains decals and paint guide for three RAF aircraft including special ops. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Monogram Curtiss SB2C Helldiver, 1/48, PA69-149

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair++


First issue 'Four Star Kit' with 1961 copyright on the hardbox. Has many action features: Folding wings, retractable landing gear, bomb bay opens and bomb drops (after swinging clear of the prop!), rear guns can be stowed or elevated, canopies open and close and the wheels and prop rotate. Never started and complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Monogram Stuka Ju-87 G-1 Rudel - Blue Box Issue, 1/48, PA207-150

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair++


First issue dated 1968. Very well molded kit featuring cockpit detail, crew of two, two anti-tank cannon, 4-section windshield and decals for the tank-killing ace Major Ulrich Rudel, who destroyed over 500 tanks from his Stuka. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.