Old Plastic Model Kits

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Aurora Japanese Zero, 1/48, 88-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Mint


Investment-grade condition. This issue is dated 1958 but has the 100 cent price extension, so it likely dated from the early 1960s. The original owner carefully left the original seal on the box top when he opened the kit, so the box is still mint. Molded in bright yellow and clear with a clear triangle 'World' stand. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. Decals and instructions are 'excellent'.

Aurora Ford V-8 Commercial Truck with 40 Ton Flat Bed Trailer and Power Shovel, 1/64, 683-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


Very rare. The rectangular 'The Aurora Line' full color logo dates this kit to 1954/1955. Of the early Aurora vehicles, this kit is 'holy grail'. It was reissued in 1957/59 as a military truck and shovel, but was never issued again in civil decoration. The box is in exceptional 'excellent++' condition with as new color and gloss, four solid corners and no tape or stickers or tape/sticker marks. Light wear as shown. Inside, the kit is as it left the factory. All parts are still sealed in the factory 'crinkle' bags. Molded in orange (shovel), dark blue (truck) and bright yellow (trailer) and with black rubber tires. Includes decals and instructions in 'exc+' condition.

Aurora Russian Mig-19, 1/48, 66A-79

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Second issue. Rare. Molded in metallic green and clear. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Hasegawa McDonnell RF-101C VooDoo - 45th Camo / 45th Natural, 1/72, D9

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


Includes decals for two aircraft from the 45th, one natural metal and one camo. Nicely molded and detailed kit. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Mach 2 Douglas DC-4 / C-54 Skymaster - Pan Am World Airways Clipper Racer 1954/ USAF 1943 or Berlin Airlift 1949 / US Navy 1958 Operation Deep Freeze, 1/72, MC0034

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Specialty injection molded kit with tan plastic and clear parts, assembly plans and full color decals for three aircraft. This kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Aurora USS New Jersey Battleship, 1/600, 724

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Big 'A' logo issue from 1972. Full hull kit with good detail for that time. Features rotating turrets, elevating main guns, scribed deck, two floatplanes and catapults, props and rudder, display stand, name plate and decals. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Unknown Polikarpov PO-2 with Engines and Things Mikulin M-11 Radial Engine - Bagged, 1/72

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Includes #72118 Engines and Things cast resin engine correct for the PO-2. The kit itself one of the nicer 1/72 PO-2 with 84 parts, good cockpit detail, underwing bomb load, good engine and exhaust detail, optional parts for land aircraft, C-1 (S-13) variant (full cockpit with fuselage fairing), C-3 variant (snow skis) and M variant floatplane. Molded in brown and clear. The kit has never been started. NOTE: missing decals. Otherwise complete with all parts, instructions and extra resin engine.

Lindberg Henschel HS-129B German Tank Destroyer, 1/72, 441-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM-


1966 hardbox issue in fantastic condition with Tom Morgan boxart. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. NOTE: one propeller blade is broken off but is present. Lindberg is a company with a fascinating history The original 'Lindberg Line' stretches back to the 1930s when Paul Lindberg drew plans for famous modeling magazines and marketed his balsa wood 'stick and tissue' by urging dealers to carry the '...Complete Lindberg Line'. After the war, Lindberg and Olsen had a strong hand in early United States injection molded kit development. Please see the article located on this website about early USA plastic kit manufacturers.

AMT 1966 Buick Wildcat 2-Door Hardtop, 1/25, 38457

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc+++


Still factory sealed. 2007 issue. Features detailed engine and compartment, removable hood, detailed underside, full interior and more.

Italaerei Pz. Kpfw. 38(t) Tank, 1/35, 212

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


Well detailed and molded kit. Features detailed forward interior (crew positions), working suspension, rotating turret, flexible treads, one crew member and more. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions. NOTE: the decal sheet is complete, but one design was neatly cut out.

Italaerei Horch Kfz 15 Standard Personnel Car, 1/35, 215

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+++


Nice kit modeled directly from the Horch in the Deutsches Museum of Munich. Features a full rolling chassis (with front fenders however) with separately molded suspension, drive line, gear boxes, exhaust and much more, complete interior with separately molded doors, optional side windows and up or down canvas top, driver figure and general figure with briefcase and field table. Includes decals for 7 different vehicles The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag including decals and instructions.

Arii Kawanishi Shiden-Kai 'George' Type 21, 1/144, 23028-200

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Nicely molded kit from older molds, probably the 1970s. Has raised panel lines. Never started. Factory sealed bag with decals and instructions.

Strombecker Walt Disney's Space Station from the Movie 'Man in Space', 1/300, D32-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++++


Very rare kit issued by Strombecker with the release of the Disney Sci-Fi hit movie 'Man in Space'. The Space Station S-1 measured 200 feet across and would be in a 1000 mile high orbit. The rim houses the occupants while the core has the generators, air conditioners and other equipment. The 'wheel' would rotate three time a minute to produce artificial gravity for the occupants. Molded in the correct pale green. The decals and instructions are in mint condition, which is very rare. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. The kit even includes the original thread for rigging the spokes.

Matchbox Vickers Wellesley Mk.I, 1/72, PK123

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


The Wellesley was a single engine bomber first flown in 1935. It is famous for a record setting flight in 1938 from Egypt to Australia. The craft was very advanced for its day, and many features found their way into the next famous Vickers aircraft, the Wellington Bomber. Decals for No.14 (Bomber) Sqn RAF Amman, Transjordan 1938 or Engine Development Testbed for LRDU aircraft 1938 (ex RAF 148 Sqn). Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Revell USS Missouri Narrow Box Pre 'S' Kit, 1/535, H301-198

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+


1953 first release Pre 'S' kit in a very nice narrow hard boxes. The box is graded 'Excellent +' has very light wear and great color. The corners are solid and there is no tape or tears.. This is the first ship that Revell cut the molds for. Earlier Revell ship releases were Ex-Gowland and Gowland molds for the small scale sailing ship series. Inside the kit is 100% correct. The plastic is the high gloss medium gray. The instructions are the correct 'large' release for the first issue. Never started. 100% inventoried complete with all parts, flag sheet and instructions present.

Airfix HMS Iron Duke Battleship - Type Three Logo Issue, 1/600, F410S

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


1960s release with excellent box art. This full-hull model has excellent detail for that time. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes instructions.

Scientific USS Kearsarge - 27 Inch Long Wood and Metal Ship Kit, 1/88, 166-1995

Wood and Metal Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good++


Very large 1/88 scale model that is highly detailed. Measures 27 inches long when assembled. The wood hull is 90% precarved and there are over 150 metal fittings and wood parts including hardwood masts and spars, many printwood sheets, real cloth sails, a hardwood stand and more. The kit comes with full-size highly detailed plans. The kit has never been started. All metal fittings are still in the internal factory bag sealed bags and the other parts are inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Revell Redstone Booster with Mercury Capsule, 1/105, H1832-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+++


Rare kit in the original and only issue 1961 hardbox in excellent condition. This kit was hurried into production after Shepard's First US Manned Space flight on May 5, 1961. Revell took the original Redstone kit, modified the molds to match Shepard's craft, modified the decal sheet and created the 'Newsprint' box. Contains Redstone Booster, Mercury Capsule, Launch Pad, Testing Unit, Escape Rockets and 3 man crew. The special booklet is not present. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Hobby Craft DHC-8 Dash 8 Series 100 Piedmont / Henson / Air Ontario, 1/72, HC1341

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Nicely molded large scale (1/72) kit of this well-designed and rugged air commuter or cargo aircraft. Contains two large, colorful decal sheets for all three airlines. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bags including decals and instructions.

Pyro Chevrolet 1937 Coupe, 1/32, C292-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+++


Late 1960s Pyro issue from original molds. In the early to mid 1960s the Pyro company chose many of it's kit subjects based more on historical significance than popularity. Luckily for us, Pyro not only made these kits but did an excellent job for the time. The Pyro car models are based on the actual cars that Pyro engineers and designers had access to. This model is nicely detailed for that time and the box states that it can be converted to a 'road racing' or slot car. Molded in dark gloss green and clear. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.