Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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Testors V-1 and Oka Bombs (Ohka Mk.II MYX-7) - Ex-Hawk, 1/48, 626

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Great 1/48 kits for use with your 1/48 Betty or 1/48 He-111 H-22. From quality ex-Hawk molds. Like the original 1950s issues, both bombs include the red-orange translucent flame parts for the engine exhaust. The V-1 has interior tanks and warhead detail. The kits have never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Escadrille Model Co. Junkers D-1 - (Junkers D.1)

Resin Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


Rare; only 200 made and each is hand numbered. This is #36. This fine kit is still the only 1/32 D.1. Complete kit features cast resin parts, white metal and photoetched details, decals, full engine, detailed cockpit and machine gun and more. The kit has never been started. The parts that were factory sealed are still in the sealed bags. The parts that were not factory sealed have been inventoried complete including decals and instructions. The D.1 was a revolutionary all-metal, low-wing German Attack Aircraft of late WWI.

Guillows Sopwith Snipe 7F1 - 18 inch Wingspan Rubber Powered Balsa Wood Kit, WW-10

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


One of a very popular line of World War 1 flying aircraft stick and tissue kits with 18 inch wingspan. Features scale plastic wheels, plastic propeller, light vacuform nose cowl, die cut balsa parts, tissue, rubber motor and full decals. Includes full size detailed plans. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. Guillow's founder, Paul K. Guillow, was a WWI naval aviator. In 1926 he began producing wooden model airplane kits. His 'Shelf Models' were some of the earlier non-flying models in production. Guillow's grew during the model boom of the 1930s, and when the Depression hit the hardest, Guillow's responded with lower prices and became one of the low price leaders, frequently advertising in Model Airplane News and other leading publications. During the war, like most manufacturers, Guillow's was forced to alternative materials such as cardboard and pine. Guillow's survived the post WWII slump by creating many inexpensive profile flying rubber powered aircraft and gliders in the 1950s (along with North Pacific) which became famous - some are still available today. The stick and tissue lines have been updated with laser cut parts and are still in production as of 2009.

Monogram AT-6 Texan - White Box Issue, 1/48, 5306

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


1979 release that is very nicely molded. Features highly detailed cockpit including structural side members, optional position canopy, detailed gear and flap wells and more. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram Mark Martin Folgers Ford Thunderbird, 1/24, 2928

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


Kit is from 1990. Well detailed with lift-off body, detailed engines, exhaust and underside, roll cage, full interior and more. Molded in red and clear with chrome plate and rubber tires. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag including decals and instructions.

Monogram Stuka Ju-87 G-1 Rudel - Blue Box Issue, 1/48, PA207-150

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


First issue dated 1968. Very well molded kit featuring cockpit detail, crew of two, two anti-tank cannon, 4-section windshield and decals for the tank-killing ace Major Ulrich Rudel, who destroyed over 500 tanks from his Stuka. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. Please note that two 'iron cross' decals have slight damage. All other decals are 'near mint' condition.

Seacraft Shipyards Coast Guard Cutter (USCG) - World War II - 11 inch Wooden Ship Kit

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG-


From 1945. Above-average quality early wooden ship kit. Features full hull precarved to correct overhead outline, two sheets of excellent quality print wood, wood stock as needed, wooden dowels as needed, hollow superstructure style build, very well drawn plans with side, rear and overhead profiles, hull sections, cut out doors and window detail, several other views and drawings to aid construction and detail, awnings, rigging diagram, assembly instructions and more. The kit has never been started. NOTE: missing smoke stack dowels. Otherwise inventoried with all other parts and plans/instructions. Seacraft Shipyards was located in New York, New York and advertised a line of sailing vessels, aircraft carriers, warships and freighters. If you have more information about Seacraft please email me at oldmodels@yahoo.com

Monogram Phantom Mustang F-51D (P-51) See-Thru Working Model, 1/32, PA67-498

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


First issue of this all-time classic. Hardbox is dated 1961 and in unusually good condition with no split corners, very good color and gloss, no tape or price tags, no marks from tape or tags and no litho tears. Flaws include general wear and creases as shown as well as sun fading to the end panels and slight bit at the lower left top. Widely considered to be one of the best visible airplane action kits ever made. Features a full cut away model with interior detail. Buttons on the base activate two motors that make the prop spin, and the main gear and tail wheel retract and extend. Two other levers on the base drop the wing bombs. Inside, this kit is as it left the factory. All of the special presentation cardboard is as new and the two motors are still sealed. Molded in the correct first edition shades of clear, red, black, silver and zinc chromate green. It has never been started and is inventoried complete with all parts present. Instructions and decals are correct for the first issue and feature the 'Horse' stand decal. NOTE: decals are intact but have visible age cracking. Please read the two articles (on this website) about saving and restoring old decals. Insurance is required with this kit.

Revell Ford 5-AT Tri-Motor - TWA 'N414H' / Scenic Airways N414H - Bagged, 1/77, 0389

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Dated 1993 and from ex-Monogram 'Four Star' molds. High quality kit with new decals including colorful Scenic Airways. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bag. Includes decals and instructions.

Yunyj Tyechinik Yakovlev Yak-18 - Light Acrobatic Aircraft, 1/40

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


This kit is still in the heat sealed old plastic bag, which has preserved the delicate box very nicely. Classic Cold War kit in large 1/40 scale. I believe this is a 'Yunyj Tyechinik' release and not the earlier MZMPI. This company succeeded MZMPI (which was the first kit manufacturer in the USSR) and continued till a new name was introduced in the mid 1970s. Yak-18s have been observed in service with the North Korean air force as recently as August 2018.

Monogram AC-47 'Puff the Magic Dragon' Gunship - Blue Box Issue, 1/90, PA147-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


1966 issue, which I believe is the first issue of the Gunship version of this kit. Molded in green and clear plastic. Box displays Tom Morgan box artwork in 'good+' condition with vivid colors. It has never been started and is inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions present.

Hasegawa North American RA-5C Vigilante With Microscale Decals - RVAH-12 USS America, 1/72, 1027

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Includes Microscale 72-94 'Navy RA-5C Vigilanties #2' in never used, mint condition with the original paperwork. The actual kit is older but nicely molded with cockpit and gear well detail, four drop tanks and clear camera windows. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Aurora Focke-Wulf Fw-190, 1/48, 30-69

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


Very rare hardbox issue dated 1959. Please note that this one has the 'Famous Fighters' oval logo and the Parents' Magazine seal at the upper right. The box is in exceptional condition. The color and gloss is like new. All four corners are solid and original and there is no edge wear, fading, water stains, tape or price tags on the box. The only flaws are a tiny bit of corner wear, light marks from the factory sealing tape and a tiny (7 x 3 millimters) tear from that tape on one long side. Molded in the correct gloss black and clear and includes the correct Aurora 'Triangle World' two piece clear stand. Instructions have the same logo as the box and also have the Parents' seal. The decals are in 'excellent+' condition. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Aurora Messerschmitt Me-109 - (Bf-109), 1/46, 55-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Still factory sealed and investment-grade condition. The seal is intact and the Kotula hardbox artwork is in mint condition. The colors and gloss are as new and the box is as if it were just removed from the shipping crate. This issue is dated 1960 but the 100 cent price extension and no 'Famous Fighters' in the sunburst logo dates it around 1966.

Revell USS Nautilus SSN571 History Makers Issue, 1/305, 8627

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


1982 History Makers issue from the original 1950s 'Pre-S' kit molds. Full hull model with V-1 'Loon' missile, launcher, missile container, twin props and full sonar, periscope and radar array. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Testors Boeing B-17E Flying Fortress - Prefabricated Wooden Kit, 1/72, 500

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Very rare. This was Testors' answer to Strombecker's hardwood assembly kits. In some ways, it is superior to Strombecker. The hardbox has dramatic, full color artwork and certainly grabs your attention. The box is complete with four solid corners and no tape or price tags; there is general wear as shown. Inside it contains fully shaped hardwood parts, sandpaper, cement, wood filler, printed trim and insignia, glass bottles of colored dope, a paint brush and detailed step-by-step photographically illustrated instructions. As the box says "No Carving - No Guesswork!' The model is in the 'in-flight' configuration and even includes the Testors inspection tag. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes insignia, unopened glue, two bottles of colored dope, sandpaper, sealed wood filler, brush and instructions.

Revell Boeing 747 TWA Jumbo Jet - Lodela Issue, 1/144, RH136

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still factory sealed. From the 1970s.

Monogram Speedee-Bilt Long Midget - ex Midget Mustang - Flying Scale Model, G6-100

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Formerly released as the Midget Mustang. Scale flying rubber powered wooden model. Before there were plastic models, there were wooden aircraft kits. These usually came in two types - solid and stick and tissue. The solid models were static and usually contained a few blocks of balsa and sometimes a detail part or two. These "Make Wood Look Like Plane" models required a very high level of skill in carving and finishing. The stick and tissue variety were slightly easier to build and provided the ultimate thrill - they could fly when complete with rubber power (and later with free-flight gas and eventually RC). They still required a great deal of skill, so manufacturers sought ways to make model building more accessible to everyone. One idea was pre-carving and/or prefabrication. This raised prices, naturally. Many manufacturers launched lines of 'easy' to build flying models but only Monogram succeeded in making an entire line at an affordable price that would actual fly. The original "Speedee-Bilt" kits were in one-piece two-color boxes. In the early 1950s, shortly before plastic kits were available, Monogram changed to the 'hardbox' with a lithographic slick glued to the top as this kit. Speedee-Bilt kits contained die cut and pre painted wooden parts, completely formed airfoil wings, carved wheels and numerous plastic details like cowlings, pilot, missiles, prop and more. Assembly was by detailed full size plans. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Nichimo Nakajima B5N2 Kate Motorized - Radar Aircraft 931 Sq / Carrier Zuiho / Commander Fuchida's Aircraft IJN Zuikaku / IJN Shokaku, 1/48, S-4813

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Very nicely molded model with all very fine recessed panel lines. Features highly detailed interior, engine, crew, choice of four load-out options and decals for four aircraft and painting guide. Markings are included for Fuchida's Pearl Harbor aircraft from Zuikaku (bomb load), Shokaku (many smaller bombs), Zuiho (Torpedo load) or a radar equipped aircraft from the 931 Air Squadron. The kit is intended to be motorized with the Mabuchi Baby motor and has full instructions for such, but the motor itself was not furnished by Nichimo. Never started. All parts are still in the factory sealed internal bags with decals and instructions.

Italeri Waco CG-4A Assault Glider or British Hadrian D-Day Invasion Glider, 1/72, 118

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc+


Still factory sealed. Same as the Testors kit as Italeri made and owns the molds. The Waco CG-4 was designed and initially built by Waco Aircraft Company of Troy, OH. It first saw action in Sicily and the operation was termed a disaster. This likely had more to do with planning than the actual glider. Missions in Europe, including D-Day, went much better. The glider was even deployed to Burma. It could carry up to 13 troops, or a jeep and four men, or a 75mm Field Gun.