Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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AMT-Frog Blackburn Shark Torpedo Bomber - Fleet Air Arm/Canadian/Portugal, 1/72, A605-80

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM+


Kit has been opened but the box is in 'near mint+' condition. It has perfect color and gloss with very minor wear. This kit is part of a short-lived AMT marketing promo to sell Frog kits in the USA. This is an excellent kit for that time with very good detail. Kit features movable control surfaces, prop, wheels, optional floats or wheeled version and torpedo and bomb loads. With color painting guide. The model has not been started. The parts are either in factory sealed bag(s) or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. Features decals for three aircraft- British Fleet Air Arm, Portuguese Navy (6 were delivered) and one of the 20 Shark license built by Boeing for Canada. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. The very sturdy Shark was the final biplane torpedo bomber for the FAA, with 238 delivered after production began in May of 1935.

Mod-Ac US Army Half Track Personnel Carrier & Tank Destroyer, 1/24

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG-


From the 1940s. Very nice scale kit featuring numerous pre-cut hardwood parts (many cut to finished shape), fully formed hardwood bogie wheels and tension wheel, tread material, 5 die-cut heavy cardstock parts, a large sheet of pre-colored die-cut cardstock parts, plastic or wood headlights, sandpaper and more. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes white US Army decals and detailed multi-view plans with construction notes.

Mod-Ac US Army .50 Caliber Machine Guns - Three Guns with Three Types of Mounts, 1/24, 445

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


From the 1940s. Hardwood kit with cut out parts, dowels, metal stock and plastic cooling sleeve. Kit contains 3 machine gun kits with the three types of mounting shown. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes detailed plans with instructions.

Mod-Ac US Army Searchlight - 800,000,000 Candle Power For Anti-Aircraft Defense, 1/24, 1044

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


From the 1940s. Very nice scale kit and an ideal accessory for the various other vehicles and guns available in this scale. Features all hardwood parts (unless mentioned), hollow light enclosure (heavy cardboard), completely finished convex rear housing, clear plastic front lens, working support arms, detailed trailer with four completely finished wheels, junction box and resistor box, sandpaper and more. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes multi-view drawings, exploded assembly instructions and text instructions.

RedYCut US Army Trailer For Jeep or Truck, 1/24, 317

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


From the 1940s. Ideal accessory for a jeep, truck, scout vehicle or any of the many wooden vehicles in this scale. Nice scale wooden kit featuring all cut out parts, fully formed wheels including spare tire, wire roof cover 'hoops,' army khaki color fabric for roof, small balance wheel at hitch, sandpaper and more. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes multi-view plans.

Austin-Craft US Army 2 1/2 Ton Truck - Picture Box Issue, 1/24

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


From the 1940s. Box top photo is of the actual assembled kit. Excellent wooden kit featuring all parts cut to shape, completely finished wheels, clear windshield, genuine Army Khaki roof covering, sandpaper and much more. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and 5 view plan with instructions. This kit is an part of an extensive line of Austin-Craft kits produced during and immediately after World War 2.

Ace Model Shop US Army Jeep and US Army 37mm Anti-Tank Field Gun, 1/24, 1142

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Large 1/24 scale wartime model from around 1943-1944. Very nicely done and featuring completely pre-formed wheels and all wood parts that are die cut or precarved. Includes full size plans, one for each kit. The kit has never been started. The small parts are still in factory sealed envelopes. The parts that were never factory sealed have been inventoried complete including the plans. The famous modeler Gordon A. Babb founded Ace in 1942. Mr. Babb was born in 1897 and became a well-known builder and competitor in the model field with aircraft and cars. National 'how to' hobby magazines often carried details articles about how to build his designs. In his first year in business, he sold 1,800 jeep kits. By 1952 the line had greatly expanded the line to hot rods, T-rods, midgets, roadsters and much more and he was expecting to sell 600,000 model kits. Mr. Babs was famous for inventing the first gas-powered midget racer model which sparked a nation-wide building spree and speed competition. His 'Ace Model Shop' was in Pasadena, California and the mailing address was 60 N. San Gabriel Blvd. Later the address was simply Ace Products, Pasadena 8, California. Most solid 'display' kit producers in the 1940s simply provided plans and blocks of wood, maybe with a few accessories. Ace went well beyond that with all cut-out parts, fully formed wheels and even some metal parts, occasionally small plastic details and sometimes even decals. The plans went well beyond the average also, featuring numerous views (not just three), detail views for sub-assemblies and even text instructions. There were at least 15 car kits in the line and also many military vehicles which were popular kits in World War 2. We don't know what happened to Ace 'Models Of Merit' but the introduction of plastic kits (started by the Highway Pioneers) put an end to most wood kit production.

Mod-Ac US Army 6 Ton Scout Car, 1/24, 844

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair-


From the 1940s. Well-done scale model features all-cut out hardwood parts, die-cut light plywood parts, fully formed wheels, plastic steering wheels, detailed machine gun (a small kit by itself), sandpaper and decals. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and multi-view plans with instructions.

Hasegawa P-40N Warhawk 502nd Fighter Squadron With Parrot Head Nose Art, 1/48, 09769

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still factory sealed. Rare issue. Excellent kit dated 20057 from new molds with 108 parts, all fine, recessed panel lines, excellent cockpit and wheel well detail, optional position canopy, drop tank and more.

Jo-Han 1964 Cadillac De Ville Convertible, 1/25, C-3964

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Well detailed including full engine and compartment with radiator, battery, washer jar and more, opening hood, detailed underside and full interior. NOTE: this kit has neat assembly as follows- engine halves and manifold (3 parts) are built ('excellent+' quality build), seat backs are glued to seats (4 parts total, 'excellent'), axles glued into one inner wheel (4 parts total, 'professional') and axle locators glued to chassis (4 parts, 'excellent+++'). There is no other assembly and zero painting. NOTE: missing one part, a red tail light. Otherwise inventoried with all other parts and instructions present.

Monogram Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet - Pan Am Airlines (ex-Aurora Modified Molds), 1/156, 5412

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


1978 issue after Monogram bought Aurora's molds. Monogram only reissued the best and most commercially viable models. The Jumbo fell into that category but only after Monogram highly modified it for accuracy. The result is one of the better early 747-100 kits kit in (very near) 1/144 scale. First, Monogram did a massive fix on the fuselage where the wing mates to it. This may have resulted in a completely new mold for the fuselage! They made the fuselage smooth - no windows. Next were added very, very fine raised panel lines to all surfaces, some recessed panel lines (like leading edge slats) and also added flap hinge covers (fairings) to the lower wings. Contains greatly improved, full, excellent Pan Am and window decals. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix Harvard (T-6/SNJ) Craftmaster Issue, 1/72, 1228-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Still mint in the factory seale. Very colorful artwork. This is the white box end issue; the other Craftmaster issue has black box ends.

Monogram Mig-29 Fulcrum, 1/48, 5825

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed VG+


Still factory sealed but the seal has drawn the box top concave. Dated 1991 and well molded and detailed for that time. Features detailed cockpit and engine air inlets, pilot, optional position canopy, detailed gear wells, long range drop tanks and two types of air-to-air missiles.

Monogram Jeep CJ-7 Renegade, 1/24, 2223

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair+


1977 issue. Very nicely detailed. The box is rough but the kit inside is like new. Can be built as a 'Suburban' CJ with or without the hardtop or as the Off-Road version. Jeep features detailed engine and compartment, opening hood, full suspension and exhaust underside detail, steering shaft, box and linkage, full interior, optional position doors, hardtop or off-road top cover and more. Includes plated, clear and blue parts with rubber tires. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Monogram 1986 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS, 1/24, 2731

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed VG++


Still factory sealed. The seal has a short split on the right short box side. First issue dated 1986. Features complete engine and engine compartment, opening hood, detailed underside, full stock version, optional custom features, complete interior and more.

Accurate Miniatures RAF Mk-1A Mustang - (P-51) Allison Powered Recon/Fighter with 20mm Cannons, 1/48, 3410

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc+


Still factory sealed. Highly detailed kit with over 60 parts, recessed panel lines, complete cockpit, full wheel wells and optional weighted tires.

Monogram Messerschmitt Bf-110E-1 Blue Box - (Bf110E1), 1/72, PA162-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair+


First issue of this kit, dated 1967. Traditional high quality Monogram model that is nicely detailed and with good fit. Ideal builder - the box is complete but rough but the kit inside, decals and instructions are in 'excellent+' condition. Features clear canopy, two man crew, machine guns, bombs and full decals. Can be built with landing gear up or down and comes with display stand. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Revell U-Boat Type VIID Minelayer Submarine, 1/144, 05009

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Very rare 2006 issue from completely new tooling. This Revell of Germany kit is very highly detailed and finely molded with 85 pieces and measures over 20 inches long when assembled. It accurately represents the minelayer type of U-Boat from WWII. Of the 6 VIIDs (U-213-218) produced, 5 were sunk and still serve as graves for 241 submariners. The model has not been started. The parts are either in factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Revell A3J Vigilante 'S' Issue - (A5A), 1/83, H196-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


This was the last "S" kit issued by Revell. Dated 1959. Kit features opening tandem canopies, moving control surfaces, detailed, removable jet engines and two pilots. As the last "S" kit, it incorporates a critical improvement for the time - recessed panel lines. The entire kit has recessed panel lines and rivet detail-no raised marks. It has an attention to detail that is lacking in many older Pre-S and S kits. Molded in the correct gloss light gray and clear with the "Globe" clear stand. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. NOTE: the box displays better than the 'Good' grade but it has a 1.25 by 1 inch section of missing litho on one short side.

Lindberg Heinkel He-111 Bomber, 1/64, 5305

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed but the seal has split on the right side. Large box issue copyright dated 1973. Has movable control surfaces, working landing gear, full crew, engine service cart and two scale engines with removable cowls.