Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: VG+
This detailed, limited-run injection molded kit featuring optional parts for different aircraft, all fine recessed surface detail, many brass PE parts, resin details, very good cockpit, complete engine, clear windscreens and more. Includes rigging guide & paint guide and decals for all aircraft listed. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. The Koolhoven F.K.51 was the winning design in a 1935 Dutch government contest for a new trainer. The prototype was designed by Frederick Koolhoven and first flew on 25 May 1935. This two-seat, fixed undercarriage aircraft was an equal-span biplane designed to use a variety of engines from 249 to 500 hp. The Royal Netherlands Air Force (LVA) ordered 25 aircraft in 1936 and 1937 that were powered by a 270 hp Armstrong Siddeley Cheetah V radial engine. Another 29 aircraft were ordered with 350 hp Armstrong Siddeley Cheetah IX engine. The Dutch Naval Aviation Service ordered 29 aircraft powered by a 449 hp Pratt & Whitney radial while between 1936 and 1938 the Royal Dutch East Indies Army bought 38 aircraft with 420 hp Wright Whirlwind. The Spanish Republican government ordered 28 F.K.51s, 11 with 400 hp Armstrong Siddeley Jaguar IVa radials and 17 aircraft powered by 449 hp Wright R-975E Whirlwind radials; these were refereed to as F.K.51bis. Production totaled at least 142 aircraft and twenty-four fuselages of the F.K.51 were assembled at Aviolanda. While the majority of F.K.51s were employed as elementary trainers within the Netherlands in the Royal Dutch Flight Schools or in reconnaissance roles by the Royal Netherlands Air Force in the Dutch East Indies, twenty-eight were clandestinely sold to the Republican government during the Spanish Civil War, despite a Dutch embargo on the sale of arms to either side of the conflict. Some of those arriving in Spain were used as light bombers by the Republicans in the Cantabrian region of Spain.[2]Some LVA F.K.51s were briefly used for reconnaissance duties following the German invasion of the Netherlands in May 1940. Several F.K.51s being destroyed on the ground by attacking Luftwaffe aircraft. The Dutch Naval Aviation Service's F.K.51s were used to carry neutrality patrols from January 1940; however most were damaged or destroyed during an attack on De Kooy Airfield on 10 May.When the Japanese invaded in March of 1942, the Royal Dutch East Indies Army had 27 F.K.51s available for service. They saw the war coming and on December 5, 1941, the flying schools were shut down and the F.K.51s were formed into two reconnaissance squadrons based on Java.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Good++
Large and nicely detailed kit featuring cockpit and crew, moving control surfaces and beaching gear. Never started. Inventoried complete with all parts but NOTE: one propeller blade is broken off of (1) propeller and the blade is missing. Includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Sealed NM
Still factory sealed with the original brass staples. This early issue of Roco-HO Model Miniatures was made by Ing. Heinz Roessler, Salzburg, Austria.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: VG++
1970s issue from Airfix molds and a very well detailed kit for that time. It features cockpit and crew of 5, opening bomb bay doors with full bomb load, moving gun turrets, working rudder, elevator & ailerons, retracting landing gear, simulated spinning props (clear disks), Luftwaffe and custom decals, rotating wheels & four-bladed propellers, optional Hs-293 Guided Missiles and more. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: VG+
This kit has great action box art typical of this 1960s series. This is the 'white' side panel of the two Craftmaster releases. The famous 'Iron Annie' of inter-war and WWII. Ju-52s saw service in almost every operational area of the war and served as transports, bombers, minesweepers and more. The model features movable control surfaces, detailed cockpit, optional floats or landing gear, rotating wheels & propellers and more. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Sealed VG
Still factory sealed. This LCT Mark IV is a finely detailed and molded 1/400 scale kit.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: NM
Small scale, well-detailed snap together model with over 35 pieces, decals and instructions. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc
Includes a factory-sealed Midship Models #803 1/700 Photo Etch Set that is designed for this model. Includes numerous brass PE details, parts guide and instructions. The actual kit is very finely molded and highly detailed and includes extensive decals, including markings for all the other five ships listed. The kit has never been started. The parts have been inventoried and the waterline version is complete; however, NOTE: missing all parts below the waterline (the lower hull, rudder, propellers, etc. Otherwise complete with all other parts, decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Good0
From the late 1970s/1980s and finely molded. Unusual landing gear (no float) version with markings for the hi-vis paint job from the battleship USS West Virginia. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. The box has age foxing on the four side panels.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Good
Nicely molded and detailed kit that features 107 pieces, opening and closing nose clamshell cargo doors, good cockpit detail, crew of two, moving ailerons, elevator & rudder, removable front loading ramp and more. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. Superfreighter was an improved version of the Bristol Freighter. It was designed in 1952 and entered service in 1953 with Silver City Airways. Superfreighter's ease of maintenance, rugged design and ability to carry large loads made it immediately successful with the RAF and eight other air forces around the worlds, as well as with several airlines. Channel Air Bridge even operated a car ferry service across the channel.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Sealed NM
Still factory sealed with the original brass staples. This early issue of Roco-HO Model Miniatures was made by Ing. Heinz Roessler, Salzburg, Austria.
Resin Model Kit, Box Condition: Good
Very highly detailed and well molded high-definition cast resin waterline model that includes many brass PE details. Never started. The parts are all still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes illustrated instructions. The cruiser Jeanne d’Arc was the largest French cruiser in 1899, first oceangoing armoured cruiser and prototype for all following French armoured cruisers until 1907. Designed initially in 1892 as protected cruiser for overseas service, this was changed later and the design was modified by Engineer Emile Bertin as an armoured cruiser. Very different from previous armoured cruisers by this last minute change, she emphasised speed and range over protection, and was even considered woefully under-armed for her size. She did, however, have a long service career. But since she was not ideal for the fleet, she did however prove roomy and adaptable enough to be transformed as a dedicated training vessel after WWI and until 1928, starting a long lineage and tradition in the Marine Nationale. She was striken from the navy list in 1933.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: NM
From all new molds and includes the dry dock as shown and one destroyer, with optional parts for full hull or waterline display. There are PE details and 3 types of markings. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc
Includes factory sealed Eduard Zoom (Color) FE901 Interior PE Detail Set made specifically for this kit. The actual kit is from all new molds that are very highly detailed and finely molded. Features complete cockpit, crew of three, optional folded or straight wings, detailed engine and more. Never started. Most parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags; two trees are not sealed and have been inventoried complete. Includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: VG
1960s Heller 'Yellow' box issue of this early and successful jet trainer that was used throughout Europe. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.
Vacuform Model Kit, Box Condition: Sealed
Still factory staple sealed. This is a typical vacuform model molded in white and clear plastic. A certain degree of modeling skill is required to build vacuform kits. They are not recommended for beginners.
Resin Model Kit, Box Condition: Exc+
Very, very rare and the only model ever made of this subject in this scale. Features beautiful high definition resin cast parts and numerous photoetched brass details and all railings. Even has decals. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: VG
1998 Revell-Monogram re-issue of the classic Monogram "Four Star" kit from the early 1960s. This model features a novel retractable landing gear system: when you pull the propeller outward and rotate it CCW, the landing gear retracts. Pull it outward and rotate it CW, and the gear extends. Push the propeller in, and it freewheels as normal. Also has movable control surfaces, highly detailed cockpit, full decals for two colorful aircraft, sliding canopy and instructions for rigging. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Good
Features very fine raised panel lines, recessed control surface outlines, good basic cockpit, pilot figure, full landing gear, twin drop tanks and more. Includes full-size, multi-view painting guide and decals for Pakistani Air Force aircraft #1918. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.
Plastic Model Kit, Box Condition: Sealed VG
Still factory sealed. 1970s issue from very good, detailed molds. Over 1000 Trackers were completed for the Navy as carrier-based submarine hunters. Grumman was awarded the contract in 1950, and in 1952 the first XS2F-1 flew. The large belly radome contained the PAS-38 search radar and the ASQ-10 MAD detector was in the tail. ALD-3 ECM performed DF (direction finding) duties, and the 70 million candle power spotlight lit up targets at night. Sonobuoys were held in both engine nacelles and offensive weapons included acoustic torpedoes, depth charges, rockets and conventional bombs. Trackers saw service in several other Navies including Canada.
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