Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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Amodel Kamov Ka-226 Rescue, 1/72, 72129

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Civil Rescue version of this well-known Soviet/Russian military helicopter. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. Please note that the decals are intact and flat, but the backing paper has light foxing stains (it looks 'dirty).

Amodel I-16 Type 5/6 - USSR Air Force December 1939 / USSR 1941 / Spanish Civil War 1938 / Spanish Air Force 4th Sq 1938 / Another Same Squadron 1938 / Spain Oct. 1938 and Sept 1938, 1/72, 72124

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Injection molded kit that includes a decal sheet with two USSR and numerous different Spanish Civil War markings. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram Grumman F8F Bearcat - Mini Masterpieces, 1/72, 5013

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


1989 Mini Masterpieces issue. Older but superb kit made from the original 1960s Blue Box molds. There is no assembly but NOTE: the missiles have been painted silver. There is no other painting. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Hawk Chrome Plated Lockheed U-2 - Authenti-Plate, 1/48, 300-300

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG-


1962 completely chrome plated hardbox issue with Bill Campbell artwork. Chrome is in 'excellent' condition with very minor wear. It is difficult to find the chrome in this condition. Large scale with 20 inch wingspan. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Mirage Hobby PZL P-24 B - Bulgaria (Two Different Aircraft) - (P24B), 1/48, 48104

Multimedia Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Large-scale, high quality multi-media kit with with numerous injection molded parts with very fine recessed panel line detail and many resin and photo etched details. Includes decals and paint guide for the two Bulgarian Air Force aircraft. There is also a full color painting guide on the back of the box. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Lindberg Supermarine Spitfire IX, 1/72, 406-29

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Rare mid 1950s hardbox first issue with box art is by Ray Gaedke. Very nicely molded kit for that time with raised panel lines, full landing gear and doors, separately molded cannon barrels, pilot bust, underwing radiators and a display stand. You know it is a very early issue when the instructions show you using a straight pin for the propeller shaft! Molded in gloss silver and clear. The kit has never been started. It has been inventoried and NOTE: missing the tiny antenna. Otherwise complete with all other parts present and includes decals and instructions. Decals are for the colorful box art aircraft.

Fujimi Westland Wasp A.S.Mk-1, 1/48, 5A18-400

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


NOTE: builder kit only, please read carefully for the condition. Large scale (1/48) kit of the 1958 Royal Navy helicopter. Features very good interior, detailed engine, moving rotors, torpedo load and four-wheel landing gear configuration. NOTE: this kit has very neatly done 'professional' quality sub-assembly as follows: engine built, upper rotor hub to shaft, engine support to engine deck, fuselage halves assembled. There is no other assembly. The interior walls and cockpit floor are very neatly painted interior green; there is no other painting. Inventoried complete with all parts, decals and instructions present.

AML Messerschmitt Bf-109D - Spanish Civil War Condor Legion Commander Oblt Siebelt Reents 1 J/88 Sept 1939 / Haupt Hannes Gentzen Commander 102/ZG2 Bemberg Oct 1939 / 1/JG71 Germany Oct 1939, 1/72, 72-028

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


Limited issue kit that cleanly molded, highly detailed and features all recessed surface detail, excellent resin cockpit, many photoetched parts, gear well detail and more. Includes full color paint guide and decals for all aircraft listed. Never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Skywave LST Mk. II With Vehicles - Two Ships, 1/700, 4

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Highly detailed waterline kits. Includes two LSTs, both with vehicles. There are extensive decals for many ships (different hull number options.) The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Hasegawa P-51D Mustang - USAAF The Millie P 55 / 343 or 8th Air Force 361 / 375 (Box Art Aircraft), 1/32, JS-086-500

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Finely molded and well detailed model from the 1980s. Features complete engine, removable panels, full cockpit, choice of bombs and drop tank load outs, detailed machine gun wing bays with removable panels, sliding canopy and detailed wheel wells. Includes decals and paint guide for both aircraft listed. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Monogram Hawker Mk 1B Typhoon, 1/72, PA213-150

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed and in investment-grade 'Near Mint' condition. First issue from 1968 and part of a very successful series of 1/48 scale WWII aircraft introduced by Monogram during the late 1950s into the 1970s. Features optional position landing gear, detailed wheel wells, full cockpit interior, pilot figure, clear wing light lenses, rotating wheels & propeller, optional position canopy and more.

Amodel Messerschmitt Bf-109 E3 - With Decals For 5 Romanian Aircraft Including Ace Tiberiu Vinca, 1/72, 72116

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Injection molded kit that includes decals for at least 5 aircraft of the Romanian Air Force. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Fujimi British Phantom F-4K - Royal Navy 767 Sq Yellowbird / Phantom Training Flight / 892 Sq / 700 Sq, 1/72, H-8

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Very well detailed model that features very fine all-recessed panel line detail, full cockpits, detailed gear wells, 600 and 370 gallon drop tanks, AIM-9B Sidewinders, AIM-7E Sparrows, SUU-23/A 20mm gun pod and more. Includes decals and paint guide for four aircraft. Never started. It has been inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Airfix Mosquito Mk.II / VI / XVII - RAF Mk.II Of 23rd Sq / Australia RAAF Mk.VI Of 1 Sq / RAF Mk.XVIII Of 248/254 Sq, 1/72, 03019

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Very nicely molded and includes parts for all three version, a wide variety of underwing stores and decals for all three aircraft. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Revell North American P-51B Mustang Shangri-La, 1/32, H295-200

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


1969 large-scale Mustang that is well detailed for that time. Features detailed Rolls Royce Merlin engine and firewall, removable top engine cowl, full cockpit detail and rear radio gear panel, pilot figure, multi-piece clear canopy that can be displayed opened or closed, very good gear well detail, optional position landing gear, rotating wheels & propeller and more. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, instructions and colorful decals for the box art aircraft.

IMC Mig-21D with Optional Battle Damaged Parts, 1/72, 486-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. This is the original issue and it features normal and "Battle Scarred" parts including damaged fuselage, wing and elevator; the pilot can be displayed ejecting also. Includes decals and painting color guide for natural finish and camo finish.

Revell Me-262 B-1a/U1 Night Fighter - History Makers Issue, 1/32, 8641

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


1983 History Makers issue. Nicely molded and detailed kit. Features removable engine panels to display detailed Jumo 004 turbojets, full cockpit detail, two belly tanks, FuG 219 "Neptun V" radar antennas, hinged canopy, crew of two and clear wing tip lights. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Heller Fiat CR-42, 1/40

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Early issue with no part number and a very high gloss box with wrap-around artwork and yellow-backed Heller logo. From the early 1960s. Very large 1/40 scale model with 47 pieces features good engine detail, pilot figure and seat, clear windscreen, rotating wheels & propeller and the large, black early Heller display stand. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions present.

Testors XR-7 Thunder Dart, 1/72, 567

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Well molded and nicely detailed kit. Rare concept model from the Aurora (or Senior Citizen) Program. The ultimate Mach 7 Pulse Wave Detonation-Engined marvel that has been 'heard' flying around Groom Lake and leaving 'Donuts on a Rope' contrails. The kit has never been started. It either has all the parts still sealed in the factory bags or it has been inventoried complete with all parts present. Includes decals and instructions.

YMC Sikorsky H-21 Workhorse, 1/210, 44

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


Very rare, late 1950/early 1960s Japanese kit with very collectible box art. This small scale kit features recessed surface detail, clear cockpit 'bubble', full landing gear and complete decals for the colorful box art helicopter. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. The instructions are on the back of the box.