Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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MPM Hansa Brandenburg W-29 Of Friedrich Christiansen - Or Of C3MG Nordeney 1918 - (W.29) - BAGGED, 1/72, 72058

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: No Box


NOTE: bagged kit; there is no box. The box is shown for reference only. Accurate model of Friedrich Christiansen's aircraft. Features main injection molded parts, photetched details, accurate engine, very good cockpit & crew station and more. Includes two large sheets of decals; one is lozenge patterns for the upper surfaces. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. Oberleutnant zu See Friedrich Christiansen is one of the best known German Naval Aviators. He was born on December 12, 1879 in Wyk-on-Fohr and the son of a sea captain. He was captivated by flying and earned his pilot's license in March of 1914. He became and instructor and was called up as a naval aviator in August at the 'old' age of 35. In September 1917 he took command of the Naval Air Station Zeebrugge and by December 11 he was awarded the Blue Max (Pour le Merite). Friedrich flew over 440 operational missions including raids on Dover and Ramsgate, rescue sorties, shipping attacks and more. He achieved at least 13 victories - including one submarine and one airship, but some sources credit him with as many as 27 victories. At least six of his victories were achieved as the commanding observer of the HB W.29. On July 4, 1918, he claimed two Felixstowe F2A flying boats as his first W.29 confirmed victories. After the war he rejoined the navy and became a pilot for Dornier, flying the world-famous DO-X, then easily the largest seaplane in the world. One of my relatives met the aircraft on it's South and North American tour. She was a waitress and she with a friend were selected to provide the food for a lunch on board the DO-X in Miami. The Germans contracted with the restaurant that employed her for the food, but wanted it served on the special and unique DO-X china, made just for this aircraft. My relative and her friend 'liberated' two medium size bread plates - one of which I received back in the late 1990s. Always underpowered and short on range, the flying boats were retired but one survived the scrap yard and found a home in the 1930s in the Berlin Air Museum, but it and the remaining china was destroyed in a Allied air raid.

Aoshima Kawasaki E15K1 Siun Norm Floatplane, 1/72, 204-100

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Older Japanese kit with high-gloss, collectible box artwork. Includes counter rotating propellers and beaching dolly. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Rarebits Curtiss P-1 and Boeing P-12B Conversions - Bagged, 1/72

Vacuform Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed


Rare and still factory sealed. This conversion kit contains both models. When combined with Monogram's P-6E you can build a P-1 and with the Matchbox Boeing P-12 you can create a P-12B. This is still the only way to build a kit of the P-1 in 1/72 scale. It features excellent detail; the parts are better than many injection molded kits. Please note that instructions were not included as it is self-explanatory.

OKB-144 Yak-40 - Aeroflot Late / VVS / Czechoslovakian Airlines OK-EEF, 1/144, 102

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


This limited production model builds an early Yak-40. Features injection molded main parts, injection molded clear parts, brass PE fret with numerous details, full landing gear and more. Includes painting guide and a large decal sheet for all three aircraft listed. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. This kit has one of the most amusing, informative and large instructions sheets that I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

Airfix GMC Truck / Scammel Tank Transporter / Willys Jeep / Chieftain Tank, 1/72, 01323

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


SALE!! Includes all four kits. The Chieftain is still factory sealed; the other three kits are never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Griffin TWO Boeing 727-200 Conversion Kit With ATP Decals - Bagged (727), 1/144

Vacuform Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Includes TWO vacuform 'stretch' 727 fuselages and a very nice sheet of ATP cockpit, cabin windows and doors decals. Never started. Complete with all parts and instructions. Requires a base kit which is not included; the Airfix model is recommended.

Revell Lockheed 1049 Super G Constellation - TWA - BAGGED, 1/128, H167

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: No Box


NOTE: bagged kit; there is no box. The box is shown for reference only. 1974 issue from the original 'S' kit molds. Features optional position landing gear, rotating propeller and wheels and full color TWA markings. The kit has never been started. Inventoried 100% complete including 'excellent' condition decals and instructions.

Revell Lockheed WV-2 Radome Early Warning Aircraft - Famous Aircraft Series, 1/128, H174-98

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


1960 Famous Aircraft Series hardbox issue. It is easy to see why this and the 'Famous Artist Series' is so collectible, as the artwork is among the finest painting to ever grace a model kit box top. Inside, the model is from the original 'S' kit molds. Never started. Inventoried with all parts, decals and instructions present. Decals and instructions are both in 'excellent++' condition.

Aurora Fokker D-VIII - Flying Razor, 1/48, 135-69

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


First issue from 1959 with fantastic Jo Kotula artwork, FF logo and Parents' Magazine Seal on the lower right. A nice kit of the dreaded 'Flying Razor' of WWI. Molded in a beautiful metallic high-gloss green and black plastics. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions. The Fokker D-VIII was a great performer but it came too late to change the tide of the air war. It started life as the Fokker E.V, one of the first warplanes to have the cantilever wing. This advancement was the result of a long-term Fokker project to perfect this technology. In addition to greatly reducing drag, a properly built cantilever wing is very light and strong. This wing was first used on prototype V17 and then on V28 which took part in the Second Fighter Competition (July 6-14, 1918) where the most experienced German front line pilots chose new fighters for late war service. V28 was chosen for it's excellent flying properties and 200 of the production aircraft, known as the Fokker E.V, were ordered. Over 289 aircraft were delivered. The E.V began front line service on August 5, 1918; Lt. Emil Rolff of Jasta 6 reported an aerial victory on August 17. However, the day before, an E.V suffered catastrophic wing failure. Two days later, the same failure cost Lt. Rolff his life. All E.Vs were immediately grounded. A detailed investigation showed that there were fatal defects in the wing assembly caused by slack manufacturing processes. Although it was not his fault, Fokker took this opportunity to re-design and strengthen the wing. Existing E.V aircraft received new wings and newly built aircraft were designated D.VIII. Modified aircraft made it back to the front in November, too late for service. However, the aircraft saw active service after that war with the Freikorps air units, the Polish Air Force against Russia, the Dutch Air Force and an unspecified number went to France and the USA.

Roden Gloster Gladiator - Mk.I / Mk.II / J8 Meteo Reconnaissance & Foreign Service - N. Ireland 1945 / Bircham Newton 1942/43 / Lithuanian Air Force '38/39 / Soviet Air Force 1941 / Norway April 1940 / Sweden 1941 / Latvian AF 1937 / Belgian AF 1938 / Luftwaffe, 1/48, 438

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Large scale model from new molds featuring very good cockpit and engine detail, optional front canopies, opened or closed center canopy and crew entry door and paint guides & decals for all aircraft listed. The kit has never been started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Aurora Spad XIII, 1/48, 107-79

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc++


Still factory sealed and the seal is intact. Hardbox is dated 1957 and has dramatic Jo Kotula artwork and the oval 'Famous Fighters' logo with the sunburst. This is the second issue as it has the 79 cent price extension on the part number.

Trumpeter JGSDF Type 82 Command Post, 1/35, 00326

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. Highly detailed with 271 pieces, photoetched details and five figures.

Trumpeter Soviet B-4 M1931 203mm Howitzer, 1/35, 02307

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


From new molds and well detailed with numerous pieces, PE details, individual track links, working features and more. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Tamiya Ford M151A2 With TOW Missile Launcher, 1/35, 3625A

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Exc


Still factory sealed. Excellent model that features TOW launcher, M220 tracking system, driver and a variety of decals for US Army, US Marines and more.

Dragon 88mm Flak 37 - 3 In 1 Kit, 1/35, 6287

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. Amazingly well detailed multi-media model featuring over 400 pieces, numerous aluminum barrel and gun parts, numerous working parts like the real gun, brass ammunition, two frets of PE parts, metal chain, wooden and wicker ammo boxes (both made of plastic) and more. With two decals sheets for many units.

Italeri CANT Z-506 Arione, 1/72, 1360

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG


Features fine recessed panel lines, good cockpit, photoetched details and more. Includes a full color paint guide and a large decal sheet for 6 different aircraft. Never started. The parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions.

Fujimi Republic P-47D Thunderbolt / Hasegawa P-47D Thunderbolt / Hasegawa Bf-109E / Tamiya Shoki Tojo / Italeri Spitfire Mk9, 1/72, FC-10-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++ To Sealed NM


SALE! Includes all five kits in their original boxes. The Spitfire is still factory sealed. The Fujimi P-47D, Bf-109E and Shoki are never started and the parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags and includes decals and instructions. The Hasegawa P-47D is never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.

Hasegawa Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune P-2H - US Navy VC-5, 1/72, JS082

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good


Very nicely detailed and molded kit with typical high Hasegawa quality. Contains markings for VC-5 and optional top gun turret. The kit has never been started. Some parts are still in the internal factory sealed bags; all other parts have been inventoried complete. Includes decals and instructions.

MPM Seversky P-35A - Royal Swedish Air Force 1943 / USAAF 34th Pursuit Sq Philippines 1941 - BAGGED, 1/72, 72070

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: No Box


NOTE: bagged kit; there is no box. The box is shown for reference only. Limited edition injection-molded kit featuring very fine recessed panel lines, resin + photoetched details, film instruments, excellent cockpit, rigging diagram and more. Includes decals and paint guide for both aircraft. The kit has never been started. The parts have been inventoried complete and includes decals and instructions.

Huma Model Arado Ar-396, 1/72, 3003

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


This is a well molded model featuring fine recessed panel lines, good twin cockpits, two pilot figures, separately molded rudder, full landing gear, wing-mounted bomb load and more. Includes a three-view full color paint guide and decals for NS+OA. Never started and inventoried complete with all parts and includes decals and instructions.