Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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LS Nakajima Ki-43-I Hayabusa 'Oscar', 1/72, B1

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Oscar I variant. Very nicely detailed as with most LS kits. Features fine recessed panel lines, two piece canopy, movable ailerons, elevator and rudder and two drop tanks. LS was one of the earliest Japanese manufacturers to produce very high quality kits. Some of the LS molds are still used today by Hasegawa, testifying to their detail and accuracy.

Monogram Viet Nam Swift Patrol Boat, 1/48, PB180-300

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


Large (1/48 scale) and well detailed kit. Features detailed deck fittings, clear cabin windows, elevating .50 caliber machine guns, working gun ring, 81mm mortar, display base and decals. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Monogram Hawker Hurricane Mk IIA/Mk IIB/Mk IIC/Mk IID/Mk IV White Box Issue, 1/48, 6802

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good-


1973 White Box issue of the original 'Four Star' kit. One of two known box art variants of the 'White Box' issue. Has all parts and decals to build any of five versions. Features a wide variety of guns/bombs/rockets and cannon, retracting landing gear and rotating prop and wheels. The model has not been started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Monogram British Spitfire Mk.IX, 1/48, 5208

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


1985 issue of the famous 'Four Star' Kit. Ideal builder. Features retracting landing gear and rotating prop and wheels. The model has not been started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Monogram Albatross SA-16B (Hu-16), 1/72, P20-149

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good+


Rare first issue hardbox dated 1957. The first issue is P20 and the second is PA20; the "P" designation lasted less than a year. Features retracting landing gear, rotating wheels/props, three man crew, optional position door and two survivors in life rafts. The Albatross was the primary sea rescue aircraft of the Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service, a branch of MAC - Military Airlift Command. Operational service began in 1947 and Hu-16s saw wartime action in Vietnam. Never started. Factory sealed bag or 100% inventoried with all parts decals and instructions present.

Cleveland Spad XIII C.1 Balsa Flying Model Airplane Kit, 1/16, SF-13

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


This is a Cleveland 'SF' or 'Scale Flying' model in museum scale of 1/16. The kit came from a long time collector of 1930s and 1940s models and is in exceptional condition. All Cleveland kits were exceptionally complete and this one is no exception. Features very high quality balsa printwood and strip wood, covering material, highest quality plans, all parts required for assembly and decals (if issued with the kit). The model has not been started. The parts are either in factory sealed bag(s) or inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions. The Cleveland Model and Supply Company played a pivotal role in the development of true scale models. In 1909 Bleriot’s English Channel flight caused a surge in aviation and model aircraft around the globe. Several companies were ideally positioned to take advantage of the aviation craze. In the USA, Wading River Manufacturing Co. (1909), White Aeroplane (1911), Ideal Model Aeroplane (1911), Broadfield Model Aeroplanes (1919) were among these pioneers, offering everything from plans and parts to complete kits and ARF models. Lindbergh’s 1927 crossing of the Atlantic Ocean caused an even bigger world-wide phenomenon called “The Aviation Craze” that extended up to the start of World War II. Many companies such as Megow, Guillow's and others started right around the time of Lindbergh’s flight. Some of these models flew and flew well, but they all had one thing in common - were generally not accurate scale representations. In 1929, a youngster named Ed Packard had a very advanced dream – to produce incredibly accurate, true scale models that flew perfectly. This radical idea established the world’s longest running single-owner (77 years) model airplane supply business – Cleveland Model and Supply Company. To this day, Cleveland models are treasured as the most accurate flying scale models produced. The fact that Mr. Packard started and successfully grew this business during The Great Depression is a testament to his ideals and business skill. I highly suggest the excellent book called ‘Aviation’s great Recruiter – Cleveland’s Ed Packard’ by H.L. (Herm) Schreiner. It is an excellent history of the man, his company and the times of the Golden Age of Model Aviation.

Cleveland DeHavilland Mosquito - Balsa Flying Model Airplane Kit, 1/16, SF-145

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


This is a Cleveland 'SF' or 'Scale Flying' model in museum scale of 1/16. The kit came from a long time collector of 1930s and 1940s models and is in exceptional condition. All Cleveland kits were exceptionally complete and this one is no exception. Features very high quality balsa printwood and strip wood, covering material, highest quality plans, all parts required for assembly and decals (if issued with the kit). The model has not been started. The parts are either in factory sealed bag(s) or inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions. Cleveland Model and Supply Company played a pivotal role in the development of true scale models. In 1909 Bleriot's English Channel flight caused a surge in aviation and model aircraft around the globe. Several companies were ideally positioned to take advantage of the aviation craze. In the USA, Wading River Manufacturing Co. (1909), White Aeroplane (1911), Ideal Model Aeroplane (1911), Broadfield Model Aeroplanes (1919) were among these pioneers, offering everything from plans and parts to complete kits and ARF models. Lindbergh's 1927 crossing of the Atlantic Ocean caused an even bigger world-wide phenomenon called "The Aviation Craze" that extended up to the start of World War II. Many companies such as Megow, Guillow's and others started right around the time of Lindbergh's flight. Some of these models flew and flew well, but they all had one thing in common - were generally not accurate scale representations. In 1929, a youngster named Ed Packard had a very advanced dream- to produce incredibly accurate, true scale models that flew perfectly. This radical idea established the world's longest running single-owner (77 years) model airplane supply business - Cleveland Model and Supply Company. To this day, Cleveland models are treasured as the most accurate flying scale models produced. The fact that Mr. Packard started and successfully grew this business during The Great Depression is a testament to his ideals and business skill. I highly suggest the excellent book called 'Aviation's great Recruiter - Cleveland's Ed Packard' by H.L. (Herm) Schreiner. It is an excellent history of the man, his company and the times of the Golden Age of Model Aviation.

Aurora Lone Ranger Comic Series, 1/12, 188

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG+


1971 'Comic' issue which contains an original story comic book and backdrop mural to create a 3-D action display. Comic book is in like-new condition. The kit has never been started. The contents are either in the factory sealed bag or have been inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Contrail 1/24 Scale Albatros D-V (DV / D.V) Hipple/Goring/von Richthofen, 1/24, 2

Vacuform Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed


Rare 1/24 scale kit. Still factory sealed. Contains main vacuform airframe parts with metal details (prop, guns, etc). Has a colorful decal sheet for the three aces Lt. Hans Joachim von Hipple from Jasta 5, Lt. Herman Goring from Jasta 27 and Rittmeister von Richtofen from Jasta 11.

Renwal SSB(N)-598 George Washington Polaris-Launching Nuclear Submarine, 1/200, 651-298

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair++


Classic large (24" long) Cold War SSBN kit. Features hinged starboard hull half and full interior details as shown on the box art. Features rotating propeller, working diving planes, rudder, periscopes, snorkels and actual 'launching' Polaris missile from a spring loaded tube. Includes two Polaris A-1 missiles, crew members and display stand. Never started. All small parts are still in the factory sealed bag and the other parts have been inventoried. Includes decals and instructions.

Lindberg Saab J-35 Draken (J35), 1/48, 2210

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Still the only 1/48 Draken kit Never started. Missing one part: main gear tire. Otherwise inventoried complete with all other parts, decals and instructions.

Italeri Sukhoi S-37 Berkut, 1/72, 1212

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Unusual model of the 1997 Sukhoi prototype. The model has not been started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Revell Life-Size Human Skull Glow in the Dark, 1/1, H904

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


True scale full-sized anatomically accurate kit patterned from the real thing. 1977 issue from old Renwal molds. Very detailed and includes display stand. The model has not been started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions.

Doyusha IJN Musashi BB Motorized, 1/250, S2-8000

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


Large motorized kit for remote control Never started. Factory sealed box/bag or 100% inventoried with all parts decals and instructions present.

Airfix LFG Rolland C-11 Walfisch Bagged, 1/72, 120

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


Type three logo bagged kit with header. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Airfix German Armoured Car Sd.Kfz. 234, 1/76

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


1960s issue. Factory sealed.

Aurora Mercedes Benz 300 SL, 1/32, 517-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


1960s issue. Never started. Inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions.

Revell F4U-1D Corsair - (F4U1D), 1/72, H625-50

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM+


Dated 1963. One piece box issue. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Berkeley Minnow Cosmic Wind - Flying Model Airplane Kit, 1/8

Wood Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Very large scale (1/8) model of the famous racer. Wingspan measures 28 inches. "Can be completely built and ready to fly in less than two evenings...Completely Prefabricated". Originally designed as a gas powered model for control line, or can be converted to electric power and modern RC (radio control) gear. Kit features precision cut wood parts, full color decals, metal spinner and hardware, wheels, plastic cowl and wheel plants and more. The model has not been started. The parts are either in factory sealed bag(s) or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. Berkeley is a very famous manufacturer of flying model kits from the Golden Age of flying aviation, about 1932-1954. Founded in 1933 by William Effinger, the company was quite progressive in producing quality kits - it was likely the Berkeley 'Buccaneer' was the first gas powered model in kit form. In the later 1930s, Effinger acquired the services of a very talented Henry Struck. Struck went on to design numerous award-winning kits under the Berkeley name. Berkeley weathered the post WWII recession and emerged as a major kit producer in the late 1940 and 1950s. These were great years for Berkeley and they produced some incredible and large kits. The company went bankrupt in about 1960 however. Fox engines (Duke Fox) bought the company and released the kits alongside his own FOX models and engines. This arrangement did not last, and in the early 1960s the Berkeley name disappeared from hobby shop shelves.

Estes German V-2 'E' Powered Flying Rocket Model - 33.5 inches tall, 1/19, EST1952

Multimedia Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc+++


Hard to find. Very large 1/19 scale flying model rocket kit. Stands 35.5 inches tall when assembled. Features conventional rocket constructions with injection molded nose and lower body section and vacuform fins. The model has not been started. The parts are either in factory sealed bag(s) or inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions.