Old Plastic Model Kits

Plastic model kits, airplane kits, etc., for sale...

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Lindberg Confederate Horse Drawn Field Artillery - USA Civil War, 1/16, 352

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. 1980 issue. Very large kit measures 2.5 feet long when assembled. Includes four horses, soldiers, gun and wagon. Features highly detailed cannon with ramrod, water bucket, locking chains, Confederate and Union flags and over 240 parts.

Lindberg Wells Fargo Overland Concord Stagecoach with Figures and Horses, 1/16, 351

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. 1974 issue of this very large (1/16 scale) and classic kit. Very highly detailed model can build to a wonderful mantle piece. Includes 0ver 250 parts - coach with full interior, full suspension, luggage rack, horses, harnesses, whip, metal chain, luggage trunks and 6 figures. The figures are beautifully molded and detailed.

Hobby-Time Messerschmitt Me-109 (Bf-109) 'Special Night Fighter Kit', 1/72, 1003

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Cleanly molded late 1950s/early 1960s kit. 'Special Night Fighter Kit' is molded in black and clear. Can be built with wheels up or down and includes stand. The model as never been started. The parts are either still in the factory sealed bag or have been inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Airmodel Heinkel He-280 V3 with BMW Engines, 1/72, AM-2023

Resin Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


Very high quality cast resin kit with recessed panel lines. The model looks a lot like the Czech Model kit. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts and instructions.

Airmodel Focke-Wulf Ta-154 Moskito, 1/72, 200

Vacuform Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


Kurt Tank's German version of the Wooden Wonder. Basic vac kit. Unstarted. Missing canopy; complete otherwise. Scratchbuilding skills needed.

Revell Douglas AD-6 Skyraider (AH-1) Navy Attack Aircraft 'S' Kit, 1/40, H269-198

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: NM


1959 original "S" issue. This kit is in exceptional condition and the finest that I have seen. The near-mint box is as new with brilliant color and gloss and has no repairs, splits or tape tears. The original factory marks (yellowing) from the tape is on the long sides. The box states "So Realistic It Does Everything But Fly!". Full of action features; Wings fold, dive brakes operate, arresting hook moves, canopy slides to show full cockpit, landing gear retracts and cowling comes off to show fully detailed engine. The most interesting thing is that the landing gear retracts and extends with a very complicated gear system that is operated from a central point. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions.

Revell Grumman F11F-1 Tiger 'S' Kit - (F11F1), 1/55, H249-89

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++++


Original issue 'S' kit from 1956. Hardbox has wonderful color and gloss. Never started. 100% inventoried complete with all parts/decals and instructions present.

Aurora PSA Boeing 737, 1/72, 387

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc++


1974 block letter 'AURORA' logo issue. This is still the only 1/72 scale injection molded 737 kit to ever be made. Includes clear cockpit windows, full landing gear, display stand and a large PSA decal sheet. The kit has never been started. Internal factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete including decals and instructions.

Hasegawa Grumman S2F-1 (S-2A) Tracker Hi-Vis Paint Scheme, 1/72, 1102

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Still factory sealed. 1970s issue. Over 1000 Trackers were completed for the Navy as carrier-based submarine hunters. Grumman was awarded the contract in 1950, and in 1952 the first XS2F-1 flew. The large belly radome contained the PAS-38 search radar and the ASQ-10 MAD detector was in the tail. ALD-3 ECM performed DF (direction finding) duties, and the 70 million candle power spotlight lit up targets at night. Sonobuoys were held in both engine nacelles and offensive weapons included acoustic torpedoes, depth charges, rockets and conventional bombs. Trackers saw service in several other Navies including Canada.

Revell USS Kearsarge Historic Civil War Steam Sloop, 1/96, H391-1000

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. The seal has a split on the right short box side but is otherwise intact. Very hard-to-find early issue from 1961. Includes beautiful John Steel framable box art titled 'Victory Off Cherbourg', site of the Kearsarge's famous duel with the Confederate ship Alabama off the coast of France. Very large 1/96 scale ship that measures 34.5 inches long when assembled. Very highly detailed and well molded. Features pre-formed ratlines, two position gun ports, guns that turn and elevate, movable propeller, special stand and name plate and 20 action figures.

Sterling HMS Bounty - 10.5 inch long Solid Wooden Ship Kit with Cloth Sails and Metal Fittings, G4

Wood and Metal Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed Mint


Still factory sealed. In the late 1970s/early 1980s Sterling issued these simplified wood kits for beginners. They included a completely carved hull with very little sanding needed to complete. Also included are full size plans, instructions, rigging diagrams, cloth sails and metal fittings. I remember building some of these - it was an ideal project for someone who had never built a solid wooden kit but wanted the experience.

Revell USS Enterprise 'The Big E' CV-6 - Lodela Issue, 1/490, H378

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed VG+++


Still factory sealed. Lodela issue from the late 1960s/early 1970s. Fantastic box artwork. CV-6 has a combat record unequaled in history of the US Navy and is considered the most Successful Warship in History. Her totals were as follows: 20 Battle Stars, 911 Aircraft Destroyed and 71 Ships Sunk. She took part in almost every major action of the Pacific war from 1941 to 1945. The fascinating history of this ship is told by Commander Edward P. Stafford, USN, in his legendary book "The Big E - The Story of the USS Enterprise." Kit is over 20 inches long and includes a one piece hull, propeller and rudder detail, SBD scout-bombers, moving cranes and complete decals and flags.

Hasegawa Wildcat F4F-3 Yellow Wing - VF-41 / VF-72- (F4F3), 1/72, AP26

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Still factory sealed. Hard-to-find limited edition release. Includes Aeromaster decals for two squadrons from USS Wasp or USS Ranger.

RCM (Radio Control Modeler) First Issue Oct 1963 Through December 1968 Complete

Cardstock Paper Model Kit,   Box Condition: Sealed NM


Very rare. This is a collection of Radio Control Modeler (RCM) magazines starting with Volume 1, Number 1 October 1963 and complete through December 1968. All magazines were purchased from the original owner who kept them inside and boxed. They are all in excellent condition and are free of writing or cutting. NOTE: in the USA please email for a revised shipping quote after you check out. These can be shipped by media mail (in the US only) for a very large savings over Priority Mail. Please order these magazines as one order and do not combine them with any other items.

Lindberg LSD (Landing Ship Dock) Motorized, 1/288, 765

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: VG++


Large-scale rare kit. Measures 19 inches long when assembled. Very good detail. Includes moving cranes and landing craft as shown on the box photo. The kit is motorized for use in water. The kit inside is mint - all parts are still sealed in the factory bags. Complete with decals, flags, motor, shafts, motor mounts and instructions.

UPC Airship R-100 with Mooring Mast (ex-Frog), 1/500, 5040-500

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Fair+


UPC (Universal Power Master)kit from quality Frog molds. Rare and excellent kit. Features a large Montreal Mooring Mast and detailed airship with clear engine pods and passenger gondola. The model includes a clever set of metal rods that allows the airship to be displayed 'floating' in mid-air from the mooring mast. R-100 measures about 17 inches long. The kit has never been started. All parts are still sealed in the internal factory plastic bag. Complete with decals and instructions. The R-100 was built by a Vickers Subsidiary. The famous Barnes Wallis worked on her design, which lead to the innovative geodesic airframe used for the Wellington and two other aircraft. The R-100 made a successful Transatlantic flight. Although there were issues, the design was sound. However, the government-built R-101 was not as soundly engineered and crashed on her maiden voyage, forever bringing an end to the Airship in the British Isles. The R-100 was sold for scrap and R-102 was never built. UPC stood for Universal Powermaster Corporation which was based out of New York City, NY. UPC did not cut their own molds, but bought kits already molded from other manufacturers and re-boxed the kits in the USA. Scott Eidson, the famous artist best known for his artwork with Revell, also did almost all the UPC box art in the 1960s, but this kit is unusual in that it kept the Frog Green series artwork. All UPC production ended in the 1970s.

ITC US Navy Blimp with Mooring Mast - Tractor and Ground Crew, 1/330, 3723

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Good++


Very nicely done model. Original ITC issue. Comes with blue-tinted clear base, tractor tug, ground crew, mooring mast and metal support stand. Never started. Factory sealed bag or inventoried 100% complete with all parts, decals and instructions. NOTE: one prop blade is broken but is present.

MPM FH-1 Phantom - First Navy All-Jet Aircraft - Marines or VF-17A USS Saipan, 1/72, 72124

Plastic Model Kit,   Box Condition: Exc


Hard-to-find limited release kit with resin cockpit, gear wells and other parts. Finely molded with all recessed panel line detail. Contains decals for VF-17A USS Saipan 1947 and Marines VMF-122 1948-50. Never started. Factory sealed bag with decals and instructions.

Mattel Mattel Vac-U-Form Machine (Vacuform), 0422

Multimedia Model Kit,   Box Condition: No Box Top


From 1962. This is the original Mattel Vacuform machine. It has been well used - some child had a very good time with this machine. This has been in climate controlled storage since 1962. Includes some molds in conditions varying from very good to poor. Here is a link to a website that sells repair and improvement parts for this machine: http://www.gaugepods.com/vacuform/index.htm

Airmodel ZMC-2 (Z MC-2) Metal-Clad Rigid Airship - US Navy 1929 - Bagged, 1/72, 237

Vacuform Model Kit,   Box Condition: No Box Top


Rare. Very large 1/72 scale US Navy Rigid Airship. Measures just over 24 inches long when assembled. Features white plastic vacuformed main body, fins , details and a clear vacuform gondola shell. Includes history and instructions/plans. Never started and complete. Typical vacuform kit - some scratch building skills will be necessary. The idea of a rigid airship using a monocoque metal skin had been tried in Germany in 1897 with the 'Schwarz'. In 1929 the ADC tried a more successful experiment with the ZMC-2 - the MC stood for 'Metal Clad'. A supporting structure of twelve ring frames mounted on twenty-four longitudinal lattice beams. This structure was entirely covered with duralumin and pure aluminum foil sandwich skinning amounting to no more than a few hundredths of a millimeter in thickness. This metal envelope was gas tight and was directly filled with helium. Two Wright Whirlwind engines of 220hp were used. The ZMC-2 first flew on August 19, 1929. She had a maximum speed of 48 mph and entered the US Navy as a training vessel. It was scrapped in 1942 after 12 years of trouble-free service.